UW Research

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Question Owner Topic Download
How do I split F&A Rates when the Primate Center is involved? OSP Rates
What do I need to know when WaNPRC is involved in a sponsored program proposal? OSP
Pass-through federal funding: Is it a Sponsored Program? OSP Research Administration
Federal Funding: Is it a Sponsored Program? OSP Research Administration
Authority to Sign: Sponsored Program Funding vs. Goods & Services OSP Research Administration
Why is OSP asking me for a scope of work? OSP
Washington National Primate Center (WaNPRC) F&A Rate FAQs OSP Rates
I will be a consultant on another University’s federal assistance award, does this make me a subrecipient on that award? OSP
What type of activity is considered “Other Sponsored Activity”? OSP
Should I send a professional services agreement to OSP? OSP