UW Research


Use Award Portal for monitoring expiration & final action dates of sponsored awards.

All award expenses must be posted in the UW financial system by the Final Action Date (FAD).  Expenses posted after the FAD may not be eligible for reimbursement from the sponsor.

If your FAD is approaching and:

  • you will have late transactions, use Award Portal to contact GCA.
  • the work is not complete, consider requesting an extension

If upon completion the award has a deficit, it must be resolved per the UW Deficit Resolution policy.

End of Award Review Checklist

This checklist provides recommendations for preparing for the end of an award or the end of an award line period (closeout) 30-60 days before the Final Action Date (FAD) of a UW sponsored award.

Departments are responsible for monitoring expiring awards. GCA provides the Award Portal for monitoring expiration & Final Action Dates (FAD) of sponsored awards.

Review Items

At least 30-60 days before the FAD of the UW award:

  1. Review award terms & conditions for final documentation requirements & deadlines, ensure they will be met.
  2. If necessary, request an Extension. If Sponsor approval is required, submit 45 days before the current award/budget period end date.
  3. Review:
  4. Review award expenditures & ensure allowability and allocability. If any expenditure does not belong, it must be removed before the FAD. See GIM 23: Sponsored Award Costing Policy
  5. Retain a copy of the final progress report in local unit award files.

Other Review Items as Applicable

If applicable, make sure:

  • Cost Share commitments are met and posted in UW systems.
  • Open balances and encumbrances are closed.
  • Appropriate worktags are provided to GCA to resolve a deficit.
  • Review Program Income have been accurately reconciled.
  • Report Intellectual Property to UW CoMotion.
  • Equipment Inventory- review and confirm:
  • To follow Subaward Closeout Recommendations:
    • 30-60 days before subaward period end: remind subrecipients of final deadlines (progress report, invoices, etc. per the terms of the agreement).
    • Before the FAD of a prime award: confirm final invoice has been received, approved, final, and payment has posted to the UW award in Workday Finance.
    • Closeout Purchase Orders in Workday Finance: when there are unexpended funds and it is still in an “open” status.
  • No Inventions? If required by the sponsor, the PI still submits an invention statement confirming “no inventions”. After the PI indicates “no inventions” on a sponsor final invention statement form, the PI must forward the form to OSP to confirm with CoMotion. The PI may forward the form directly to CoMotion for verification if OSP does not need to sign and submit the form.

Other End of Budget / End of Award Resources

Early Termination and Relinquishment

Early termination shortens the life of the project period prior to completion. Relinquishments and award transfers mean returning funds back to the sponsor and giving up the UW’s right to the funding. Review guidance on award changes around early terminations and relinquishments.