UW Research

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Question Owner Topic Download
What is an incoming subaward? OSP
What is the difference between a Supplier Contract Number, a Subcontract Number, and the PO? OSP
What is the System for Awards Management (SAM)? OSP
What SAGE Budget do we include for a Subaward? OSP
What should I review on the Supplier Contract & Purchase Orders to ensure accuracy? OSP
What tools and resources are available for award data and reporting?
What type of activity is considered “Other Sponsored Activity”? OSP
What’s the difference between an incoming subaward and an outgoing subaward? OSP
What’s the difference between a PD/PI, Multiple PI, a Co-PI, a Co-Investigator, and an Application PI? OSP
When an international graduate student’s salary and tuition are paid for by a foreign entity, does this need to be reported to NIH as Other Support? OSP Sponsor Requirements