UW Research
Frequently-Asked Questions

What’s the difference between an incoming subaward and an outgoing subaward?

The direction of the funding determines if it is an incoming or outgoing subaward.

Outgoing Subawards

When the UW receives funding from a sponsor (aka prime sponsor) and subawards a portion of the work to another institution, it’s called an outgoing subaward.

outgoing subaward relationship diagram


NIH awards a project to the UW, and we award some of the funding to UCLA to complete a portion of the work.

Proposal Processing

The UW works with the subaward recipient (UCLA in this example) to include them as a subaward on our proposal to the sponsor (NIH). Review more information on preparing a proposal with subawards.

At time of award, the UW department must request a subaward set up using SAGE.

An incoming subaward is funding coming into the UW and an outgoing subaward is funding going out of the UW.

Incoming Subawards

Incoming subawards, happen when another institution (pass through entity) receives funding from a sponsor (aka prime sponsor) and that institution subawards a portion of the work to the UW.

NSF-UCSD-UW Illustration of an incoming subaward relationship


NSF awards a project to UCSD, and UCSD awards some of the funding to the UW to complete a portion of the work.

eGC1 Routing and Proposal Processing

Incoming subawards are requested via SAGE on an eGC1 just like other external support requests. The “sponsor” on the eGC1 is the pass through entity providing the UW a portion of the funding from their award from the prime sponsor.<link to write/submit proposal>

Follow deadlines provided from the pass through entity (UCSD in this example) NOT the prime institution. This allows UCSD to incorporate our proposal materials into their proposal to to the prime sponsor.