UW Research

July 24, 2024

Tips for Success – Award Setup and Modifications Requests in SAGE

This page includes tips for successfully completing Award Setup and Modification Requests in SAGE. Guidance here was compiled collaboratively by the Office of Sponsored Programs and Grant & Contract Accounting.

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Award Setup Requests

If you (campus or PI) receive the Notice of Award (NoA), whether or not OSP is included, you should create the Award Setup Request (ASR) in SAGE as soon as possible.

If you’ve received an ASR from OSP, refer to our FAQ: What do I do when I receive an Award Setup Request created by OSP? Note: OSP only creates an ASR when the PI and/or campus are not included on the Notice of Award.

  • Award Budget:
    • A SAGE Award Budget, which is different from a proposal budget, is required on Award Setup Requests. Create an award budget by composing a new budget from scratch; you may also copy and modify an existing SAGE Budget.
  • Supporting Attachments:
    • Award documentation and any sponsor correspondence that accompany award document
    • Documentation when there is a sponsor deadline for accepting an award
    • Compliance documentation (IRB/IACUC)
  • Comments & History:
    • Include sponsor contact information
    • Provide more information about your request such as an explanation that may help reviewers understand what you are requesting

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Award Modifications

Use the Modification Request (OSP/GCA) for all changes that require sponsor approval, an authorized official signature, or review from the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP).

For both GCA only and OSP/GCA requests that do not already have a required form (e.g. Extension, Change of PI, etc) use GCA’s SAGE Modification Checklist as a guide for required information before routing.

  • Select at least one modification category, and all that apply
    • For example, Funding & Budget Change, Schedule Change, Other Changes, etc.

Select Modification categories that apply.

  • Comments: indicate what type of changes you are asking for in the comments field, add any other relevant information that will help OSP or GCA complete your request
  • Confirm you have updated any relevant fields and attachments needed to complete your request
  • Include links to SAGE Budget Snapshot URLs when Modification request that includes funding changes
  • Complete and attach relevant forms, such as Extension or Change of PI, or sponsor

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Comments & History

Use the Comments & History section to provide additional details and explanations for your request. Appropriate comments can help ensure OSP and GCA have a clearer understanding of your request and may help reduce returns.

For example:

  • Provide sponsor contact information when request needs to be sent to the sponsor by an Authorized Organization Representative (AOR), at the UW this is OSP
  • Include comments on relevant compliance information

Be aware of character limits in the comment fields:

  • Comments allow for 1000 characters
  • Returns and resubmitted items:
    • When GCA returns an item, 1000 character limit
    • When campus resubmits an item, 300 character limit

OSP and GCA will also use the Comments & History to provide you with information. Review the Comments & History section for more information on why an item was returned or why it may have a hold.

Comments and History - Add detail about the modification you are requesting

Returns & Holds

  • Review the Comments & History section for information about why a request was returned or is on hold.
  • Address reasons an item was returned before sending it back to OSP or GCA.
  • Use the returned items list that GCA posts weekly to stay on top of returned ASRs and MODs.

Review Comments and History for why a request was returned

SAGE Budget Worksheets

  • Principal Investigator: Enter a named Principal Investigator for each SAGE Budget worksheet, even if they are not supported by the award.
    • This populates Workday Principal Investigator (Grant) field.

Ensure a PI is added to every SAGE Budget Worksheet

  • Cost Center Receiving Funding: Enter the Cost Center Receiving Funding on the Award Setup Request and all worksheets.
  • Worksheet Security Grant Hierarchy: Enter the security hierarchy into the Worksheet Security Grant Hierarchy field for all budget worksheets.
  • Sponsored Program Activity (SPA) Type: Ensure the SPA type on budget worksheets matches the Award Setup Request SPA type, unless there’s a legitimate reason for them to be different (e.g. sponsored program award includes multiple SPA types).

Enter Cost Center Receiving Funding, SPA type, and Worksheet Security Grant Hierachy on all worksheets

  • Worksheet Periods: SAGE Budget worksheet periods should match, or be within, the Award Setup Request Current Period Start Date and the Current Period End Date.
  • Award Lines: Create and include separate worksheets for anything that needs to be on a separate award line in Workday, including subawards, equipment fabrication, or multiple F&A rates.
  • Primary Worksheet Name: Change the name your SAGE Budget Worksheet from “Primary Worksheet” to have a meaningful Grant Name in Workday.
  • Include links to SAGE Budget Snapshot URLs for Award Modification requests that includes funding changes.
  • Review SAGE Budget Resources.

Types of SAGE Worksheets

Resources and Links

Page Updates

Open for Summary of Updates

  • 7/19/2024 – Updated Award Budget guidance for ASRs.
  • 7/02/2024 – Updated GCA return character limit
  • 5/09/2024 – Addressed some typos and inconsistent language, updated resource list with SAGE Awards and Modifications Resources
  • 4/30/2024 – Updated reference to Workday Grant ID #
  • 3/06/2024 – Added link to which modification type to choose, 3rd bullet under returns to reference GCAs returns list, re-contextualized reference to GCA’s SAGE modification checklist & added a link
  • 2/27/2024 – Include SAGE Budget Snapshot urls for MODs & link to SAGE guidance, formatting adjustments
  • 2/14/2024 – updated first sentence for clarity from (campus) to (campus or PI), and added Note: OSP only creates an ASR when the PI and/or campus are not included on the notice of award.
  • 1/23/2024 – Primary Worksheet name, updated SAGE Budget Resource link
  • 12/11/2023 – Added context for reviewing Comments & History for information from OSP & GCA and for Holds
  • 11/15/2023 – links to urgent request guidance for both GCA & OSP added
  • 11/06/2023-  Incorporated broader instructions and additional resources to improve clarity.
  • Original publication: 9/11/2023