UW Research

May 25, 2023

Finance Transformation: New Resources for Principal Investigators and Deadline Reminders

In preparation for UWFT, the following message was sent from Vice Provost for Research Mari Ostendorf to Principal Investigators on May 25, 2023.

Dear Colleagues,

As the transition to Workday Finance approaches in July, I would like to share resources that are now available to help you navigate the new processes and systems in your important work as Principal Investigators (PIs):

For the most part, faculty activity and effort will not fundamentally change. However, PIs should be aware of the following changes taking effect in early July 2023:

  • SAGE Budget will be required at the time of award. Award preparers can create Award Setup Requests and monitor these requests via the new SAGE Awards feature.
  • eFECS and the Grant and Contract Certification Report (GCCR) are both being replaced by the Employee Compensation Compliance (ECC) system.
  • PIs will need to approve subrecipient invoices on a bi-monthly basis using Workday.
  • PIs, along with Grant Managers, will need to identify specific funding sources to meet cost share, including faculty effort cost share, at the time of award.

Lastly, a reminder of important grants-related dates coming up:

  • 5/31: Submit Advance Budget Request for awards anticipated with start date between 6/09 and 8/01 to minimize impact of transition delays.
  • First Week of June: Purchasing requests needed for this fiscal year.
  • 6/07: The last day to submit Advance Extension Requests and No-Cost Extension or Temporary Budget Extension Requests for awards that end between 6/09 and 8/01.
  • 6/09 – 7/06: No new awards will be set up; award set-up through July will be slow.
  • 6/13: Last day to submit Advance Budget Requests to GCA.
  • 6/05 – 7/05: Temporary process for subaward requests or modifications.
  • 6/13 – 7/7: Subaward invoices received in Ariba will need to be re-entered into Workday after 7/7. Reach out to suppliers for invoices in advance, and close Blanket Purchase Orders (BPOs) no longer needed.

Please know that, while there will be disruptions, the FT team is working hard to make the transition as smooth as possible. Thanks again for your continued dedication to the University of Washington and its research community.

Mari Ostendorf, Vice Provost for Research