UW Research

Withdraw or Discard

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The PI or a PI proxy can discard or withdraw any initial application, modification, or continuing review that is in “Pre-Review” or “IRB Review.” The submitter of a report of new information (RNI) can discard or withdraw an RNI that is in “Pre-Review” or “IRB Review.”

Withdrawing an application:

  • Is available to the PI and PI proxy (for initial applications, modifications, and continuing review) and to the submitter (for RNI) while the application is in “Pre-Review,” “Clarification Requested,” or “IRB Review” states
  • Should only be used if the study team needs to make edits to an application before HSD’s review has begun
  • Generally should not be used if HSD has already begun review (instead edits should be made as a part of the review process)
  • Returns the application to “Pre-Submission” state and the My Inbox area so edits can be made
  • Requires that the PI or PI Proxy resubmit to get the application back in HSD’s queue for review

Discarding an application:

  • Is available to the PI and PI proxy (for initial applications, modifications, and continuing review) and to the submitter (for RNI) while the application is in “Pre-Review,” “Clarification Requested,” or “IRB Review” states
  • Should be used if the application should not be reviewed by HSD
  • Moves the application to the “Archived” area in Zipline
  • Still allows the application to be copied using the Copy Submission activity

Withdrawing an Application Steps

1. In the application workspace, click the Withdraw activity

screenshot of the withdraw button in Zipline

2. Click OK in the Withdraw pop-up window

Discarding an Application Steps

1. In the application workspace, click the Discard activity

screenshot of the discard button in Zipline

2. Click OK in the Discard pop-up window