UW Research

Copy Study

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If the study that you are creating is very similar to another study you already have in Zipline, you may be able to save time by copying the original application and then making revisions to the copy. The Principal Investigator and any PI Proxies are able to copy previously created applications. After the study is copied, make any needed edits to the SmartForms and study documents, including using newer versions of forms if applicable.

1. Click Copy Submission in the study workspace

Screenshot of the copy submission button

2. Enter the name for the new application and click OK

  • NOTE: This only changes the short title of the study. The full title of the study can be edited on the Basic Information SmartForm in the copied study.

3. You will see this message in the old study’s history tab until the application is done copying

4. Once copying is complete, you’ll see this message and the study will appear in My Inbox, listing you as the Principal Investigator