UW Research

Manage Guest List

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The study team may provide read-only access for studies using the Manage Guest List activity. Access is provided at the study level, so those added to the guest list for the study are also able to view any sites, modifications, continuing review reports, and reports of new information associated with the study. The study team may add and remove users from the guest list at any time.

Add Users to Guest List

1. Click Manage Guest List in the study workspace

screenshot of the Manage Guest List activity in the study workspace

2. Click the ellipsis by the guest list

screenshot of the ellipsis button to add someone to the guest list

3. Select the guest to be added and click OK

  • NOTE: All users must have a Zipline account before they can be added to a study in Zipline. If the person you want to add is not on the list, they must create a Zipline account.

screenshot of the select person window showing the study guest being selected

4. Click OK in the Manage Guest List window

screenshot of the OK button in the manage guest list window

Remove Users from Guest List

1. Click Manage Guest List in the study workspace

screenshot of the Manage Guest List activity in the study workspace

2. Click the X by the name of the person to be removed from the Guest List

3. Click OK in the Manage Guest List window

screenshot of the x button to remove someone from the guest list