Associate Vice Provost for Research Cyberinfrastructure – Xiaosong Li
Xiaosong Li
Associate Vice Provost for Research Cyberinfrastructure
(206) 685-1804
Bagley Hall 305
Box 351700
As Associate Vice Provost for Research Cyberinfrastructure, Xiaosong Li approaches his responsibilities for current and planned research cyberinfrastructure with a spirit of teamwork and an enthusiasm for exiting new ideas. He has oversight of advanced research computing, data management, and big data systems, including oversight of faculty governance of Hyak, the UW’s on premises high performance super computer. Additionally in this role, Dr. Li and the Associate Vice Provost for Data Science will collaborate to develop programs that support future campus research cyberinfrastructure needs and to encourage faculty participation in such efforts.
Dr. Li received his Ph.D. in Chemistry from the Wayne State University in 2003 and following a post-doctoral training at the Yale University, he joined the University of Washington in the fall of 2005. Since 2017 he has held the Harry and Catherine Jaynne Boand Endowed Professorship in Chemistry. He is a dual appointee and Lab Fellow at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and serves as the Executive Director of the NSF MRSEC Molecular Engineering Materials Center.
Internationally recognized for his work in time-dependent quantum theory and relativistic electronic structure methods, Dr. Li has a passion for collaborative research and his project portfolio is prolific. He also has a depth of experience in research administration from the PI perspective. His research products are clear evidence of his passion for sponsored research; he has amassed 250 peer-reviewed publications and developed several computational software packages with >11,000 publication citations and >60,000 software citations. He has received awards that include the Sloan Research Fellowship, National Science Foundation CAREER Award, Fellow of the American Physics Society, elected member of the Washington State Academy of Sciences, and the University of Washington Distinguished Teaching Award.