UW Research

Glossary of Terms and Acronyms


see Advance Budget (UW) Related Resources: GIM 9: Advance Budget Numbers SAGE: Advance Budget Overview Grant and Contract Accounting guidance on Advance Budget Set Up &…

Advance Budget

An Advance Budget request in SAGE (ADV) initiates a request for an Advance Budget number which can be used until the sponsor funds are released. The…

adverse event (AE)

Any untoward or unfavorable medical occurrence in a human subject, including any abnormal sign (for example, abnormal physical exam or laboratory finding), system, or disease temporally…

Affiliate Organization

Independent organization with which the University has a business relationship. Examples: Seattle Children’s and Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

After-the-Fact (ATF) eGC1

Any eGC1 that has an agreement attached, whether fully or partially executed or not yet negotiated, is considered an After-the-Fact (ATF) eGC1. This is the case…


Attorney General


The sponsoring organization that contributes funding to a specific project. Often used when referring to federal sponsoring organizations.


American Heart Association (Sponsor)

Allocable Costs

When goods or services are can be directly assigned to an award based on the benefit they provide to the award, they are considered allocable costs….

Allowable Costs

When an item is either allowed or not disallowed by the UW or the sponsor, it is considered an allowable cost. Allowable is one of the…