UW Research
Required Training

Laser Worker Safety Training – Online

Prevents injury from exposure to lasers.

Who is required to take this training?

All users of class 3b and 4 Lasers with a power greater than 5 milliwatts (mW).

Summary of the requirement

The responsibility for the safe use of lasers at the UW is shared among the Radiation Safety Office (via the Laser Safety Officer), Departmental Management, and the Research Staff using the lasers. The Laser Safety Officer (LSO) will provide the following for each lab that houses operational lasers, in particular those of Class 3B or Class 4: (1) An inventory of each Class 3B and Class 4 laser, (2) Hazard evaluations, (3) Determination of control measures, (4) Approval of Standard Operating and Alignment Procedures, (5) Aid in selecting protective equipment, (6) Aid in procuring signs and labels, (7) Safety feature audits, (8) Training, and (9) Accident Investigation.

Related policies and regulations