UW Research
Required Training

Biosafety Training

Provides biosafety overview, covering roles and responsibilities when conducting research with biohazardous agents including recombinant DNA. The course also covers the review and approval process for these agents at the University of Washington and the requirements governing their use (e.g. facilities, equipment, practices).

Who is required to take this training?

Required for all Principal Investigators (PIs) with laboratories / research and all personnel working in such laboratories / research settings where any biohazardous agents are used.

Summary of the requirement

In response to a federal audit, this training is required for all Principal Investigators (PIs) with laboratories / research using any form of recombinant DNA (including transgenic animals and plants), pathogenic microorganisms, human / non-human primate tissues (including cell lines), or other biohazardous agents. It is also required for all personnel working in such laboratories / research settings.

Related policies and regulations