UW Research

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Question Owner Topic Download
Urgent OSP Requests: Award Setup, Modifications, and Subawards OSP
What do I do when I receive an Award Setup Request created by OSP? OSP
What if both campus and OSP receive an award? Who creates an Award Setup Request? OSP
When do I need to use an eGC1? OSP Research Administration
Would campus get a prompt to create an Award Setup Request when OSP receives the NoA? OSP
If we don’t use SAGE budget for proposals, can we input a summary SAGE budget by object class and spend category vs. a detailed line item budget? ORIS
Will we be able to modify UW IDC on subawards? EX: U grant with multiple Cores/Projects going to one subaward site. ORIS
Do SAGE budgets auto-populate for salary cap, and is it automatically updated each year? ORIS
If GCA returns the form to campus, when campus re-completes it, does it route to OSP again or back to GCA directly? ORIS
Is there anything from the eGC1 that cannot be changed on the award setup request form? (Perhaps the PI and the sponsor?) I.e., how do we avoid having a completely unrelated award attached to an eGC1? ORIS