UW Research

September 8, 2023

NewProfs@UW: Making Connections to Help Launch your Academic Career

Welcome New Faculty!

The UW Office of Academic Personnel, Libraries, and Office of Research are partnering to bring you NewProfs@UW, a new program that welcomes incoming faculty to the UW community and connects them to resources that support research, scholarship and career development. Open to faculty members on any UW campus, NewProfs@UW is an in-person workshop with multiple resource overviews and cross-disciplinary panel discussions to choose from.

At the HUB, room 250, on September 11, 2023, the all-day schedule will include:

  • Networking over coffee & pastries
  • Overview of the Office of Academic Personnel
  • Panel discussions for different research & scholarship areas
  • Overview of Library Resources
  • Panel discussions for different publishing formats
  • Lunchtime panel on collaboration
  • Overview of Research
  • Panel discussions on different research methodologies
  • Panel discussion on mentoring trainees

Review our detailed schedule.

Registration Information

Full-time faculty at any rank who joined UW in the past two years are invited to register. Participants can attend any or all of the sessions. Please register to indicate your interest in specific sessions.

Registration closes on Tuesday, September 5, 2023.