UW Research

Washington Entrepreneurial Research, Evaluation, and Commercialization Hub (WE-REACH)



Catalyzing biomedical innovations into products for health impact

Core Services Offered

Entrepreneurial bootcamps, symposia on biomedical health products and devices, 4-6 grant projects a year (up to $186k)

Funding Information

NIH from 2019-2023, the UW Office of Research, CoMotion, the Institute for Protein Design (IPD), the UW School of Pharmacy (SOP)

Reporting Structure

The NIH, the Vice Provost for Research, and the Health Sciences Board of Deans

Related UW Entities

School of Pharmacy (SOP), the Office of Research, the Institute for Protein Design (IPD), the Institute of Translational Health Sciences (ITHS), UW Population Health, CoMotion

External Partners

Seattle Children’s