UW Research
Research Administration Learning

Workshop: Preparing Sponsored Project Budgets

This online course provides participants hands-on practice in preparing basic budgets for sponsored project proposals. Participants will work through a scenario to

  • identify costs and determine allowability
  • calculate costs
  • draft an internal budget with common project costs such as travel, salary, materials and tuition
  • calculate indirect cost rates for a project that includes a subaward
  • translate internal budgets to sponsor budget templates
  • identify best practices in developing budget justifications.

It is strongly recommended participants first complete the online class, “Introduction to Sponsored Project Budgets.”


Staff new to preparing budgets for sponsored projects, those who need to understand components of budgets for sponsored projects



Research Administration Certificate


Last Updated

February 2024

Course Materials

Class Slides, Handout  (These resources are from the classroom based course.  There is not a slide deck to accompany the on-demand course; all other resources presented in the on-demand course are available in the resources section of the on-demand course player)

Related Learning

Introduction to Sponsored Project Budgets
SAGE: Budget