UW Research
Policies, Procedures and Guidance

Gift Funded Research: Compliance Checklist

UW Research that is funded via gift funding is subject to the same regulatory requirements as sponsored programs.

This checklist is designed to help researchers determine where to locate additional guidance so they may comply with these regulatory areas.

Data and Technology

If you will need to access, store, or share data, review the UW Privacy Office website for applicable laws and regulations.

If you will be developing new technology, methodologies, systems or other patentable innovations review resources from CoMotion.

Export Controls

If the project involves:

  • exporting hardware, equipment, specimens, goods, software or monies
  • sharing or transferring information or data to foreign nationals in the United States or abroad (including UW faculty, staff, or students)
  • travel to or collaboration with a person or entity in a sanctioned country (e.g., Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan, Syria)

Contact the UW Export Control Officer (Director for Export Controls) at exports@uw.edu.

Environmental Health & Safety

Contact the UW Environmental Health and Safety Office if the proposed project includes any of the following: Biohazards, Select agents and toxins, Radioactive materials, Chemical thresholds (toxic, unstable, explosive), or Diving.

Human Subjects

Human Subjects

If the project involves interaction with Human Subjects, or identifiable data or specimens from human subjects review the UW Human Subjects Division guidance.

Clinical Trials

If the project involves clinical trials, UW Medicine faculty, facilities, or services contact Clinical Research Budgeting and Billing (CRBB).

Human Embryonic Stem Cell Use

If the research involves the use and/or creation of human embryonic stem cells: contact escro@uw.edu.

ESCRO Information

Questions about Human Subjects Research at the UW? Contact Human Subjects Division via email: hsdinfo@uw.edu.

Animal Use

If the research involves animal use contact the UW Office of Animal Welfare.

Contact the UW Office of Animal Welfare for guidance on animal use in research.

Parties Involved

Gifts from Foreign Entities

Gift funding that originates from a party located in or affiliated with the government of  Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Russia, Syria or China must be reviewed for acceptability.

Contact your advancement representative for the review process on the acceptability of these foreign gift funds.

Gifts from Federal Restricted Parties

If the funding originates from a federal restricted party contact Export Control Officer or exports@uw.edu.

Financial Interest

If you, or other researchers contributing to the design, conduct, or reporting of the research, have a Significant Financial Interest as defined in GIM 10 review Financial Conflict of Interest guidance, especially for SFI Review for Unsponsored Research that Requires IRB Review, and submit disclosures accordingly. Contact the Office of Research directly for further guidance on disclosure requirements for research supported by Gift Funding.


Approval for Facilities

Get approval from your School/College Dean’s Office if the project will be using UW facilities, renovating UW space, or leasing space.

Non-UW Individuals & UW Locations/Resources

If you intend to grant access to non-UW visitors, please get permission first. Start with your Department Administrator for possible visiting scholar appointment or visiting scientist appointment.


Other Resources