UW Research

Glossary of Terms and Acronyms

Common Rule

A set of regulations governing research with human subjects that have been adopted by many federal agencies. Revised January 21, 2019. See: 45 CFR 46

compassionate use

One of several “expanded access” mechanisms established by the FDA to allow access to an investigational device for patients who cannot participate in a clinical trial…


See: payment


A legal term denoting capacity to act on one’s own behalf, including: the ability to understand information presented, to understand the consequences of acting (or not…

conditional approval

IRB determination that the applicable criteria for IRB approval on an item have been met based on the assumption that specific conditions will be met by…

consent form

Document describing the risks, benefits, and study procedures so that potential subjects can make an informed decision about whether or not to participate in the research.

continuing noncompliance

A pattern of repeated noncompliance by the same investigator or the IRB that meets any of the following criteria: Suggests the likelihood that noncompliance will continue…

controverted issues

An issue discussed at an IRB meeting for which there is a disagreement between some IRB members, or there are opposing viewpoints among IRB members that…

covered entity

This refers to those individuals, organizations, and institutions that maintain or transmit PHI, and that are required to comply with HIPAA regulations. See: 101.G1 UW HIPAA…


This is also called triangulation. This is when one institution relies on another IRB but that other IRB doesn’t do the review because it is relying…