UW Research

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Question Owner Topic Download
Do converted PO numbers in Workday match my BPOs from Ariba? OSP
What do we do if the subaward has an award line but does not show in the subaward status report R1218? OSP
How do you want campus to communicate the PO # to OSP Subawards? OSP
What should I review on the Supplier Contract & Purchase Orders to ensure accuracy? OSP
What is the difference between a Supplier Contract Number, a Subcontract Number, and the PO? OSP
How do we know that a subrecipient is a supplier in Workday? OSP
How many subaward lines can we have? OSP
If one subrecipient participates in multiple components of a multi-project award (e.g. Project 1 & Core B), do we create one subaward worksheet in SAGE or a worksheet for each component? OSP
Urgent OSP Requests: Award Setup, Modifications, and Subawards OSP
Is there UW recommended language for a letter of support from international subrecipients on NIH proposals? OSP