UW Research

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Question Owner Topic Download
Subawards Preparing for WD Finance – Questions from 5/19 MRAM OSP
Subaward FAQs – 2023 OSP
Some very complex projects (I’m thinking U54s, or projects with multiple F&A rates) as well as some per-patient clinical trials that don’t have a set final amount are difficult to input in SAGE budgets. Do you have a plan to make that easier prior to this requirement change? ORIS
Should I send a professional services agreement to OSP? OSP
Should FHCC include a proposed subaward in its proposal to NIH? I have a joint appointment and FHCC will be applying for funding from NIH. I will be participating on the project but will carry out my component of the work at UW. OSP
Service Activity: Who do I contact? OSP
SAGE currently allows eGC1 visibility for any application that includes resources (human or other) in my org code. How will that work in the new system? For example, I need to see the various training grants across campus on which a faculty member is listed as a mentor. ORIS
Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Training FAQs
Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR) FAQs OSP Research Administration
Pass-through federal funding: Is it a Sponsored Program? OSP Research Administration