UW Research

July 31, 2023

Urgent Request Regarding Award Setup Requests

8/8/23 Update: The SAGE system no longer allows campus users to delete OSP-initiated Award Setup Requests. Thank you for your patience as we continue to update SAGE.

Please do not delete any Award Setup Requests that the Office of Sponsored Programs has sent you through August 4th. It has come to our attention that a work-around of deleting Award Setup Requests to address issues related to connecting an incorrect eGC1 or budget has had unintended consequences. Deleting Award Setup Requests initiated by OSP causes loss of history, comments, attachments, and other important tracking information that OSP may rely on.

The Office of Research Information Services (ORIS) is targeting a fix for late this week that allows budgets and eGC1s that are incorrectly connected to an Award Setup Request (in composing, returned, or withdrawn status) to be updated.

Until this fix is released, please do not delete any Award Setup Requests that OSP sends you. If you have accidentally attached an incorrect budget to an Award Setup Request, please hold onto that request until the fix is released and you are able to replace the current connected budget with the new one.

Reminder: best practice is to create a new budget or copy the proposal budget into an award budget and link that to your Award Setup Request.

Please reach out to sagehelp@uw.edu if you need urgent assistance with an Award Setup Request connected to the wrong eGC1 or budget before August 4th.

We appreciate your understanding and apologize for any disruption to your work. Thank you for your continued patience as we stabilize SAGE following the major Finance Transformation release.

The Office of Research Information Services (ORIS) & The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP)