UW Research

September 26, 2013

Significant Financial Interest Annual Updates

Annual updates

GIM 10 requires every investigator to update their Significant Financial Interest (SFI) disclosure at least annually. Most active UW investigators have disclosed their SFI within the past year through developing a proposal and/or responding to a funding action. However, for a few investigators, it has been more than twelve months since they last entered or updated their SFIs. These investigators (and ONLY these investigators) will need to submit an annual update to their SFIs.

  • To inform investigators that they need to submit an annual SFI disclosure, FIDS will send up to three email reminders to the investigators when:
    • an annual disclosure update is due in 45 days.
    • an annual update is due in 15 days.
  • We updated the Create New Disclosure and Disclose SFI pages to simplify how an investigator reaffirms they has no SFI for an annual update.

For more details on annual updates, see the FIDS User Guide.