UW Research

January 17, 2024

More on international subawards funded on NIH Awards

This message is being sent directly to individual PIs and SAGE subaward preparers identified (in SAGE) as having a current international subaward funded by an NIH award at the UW. Please share this information with any who may be impacted.

Current International Subaward funded by NIH?

We identified a current NIH funded international subaward subject to NOT-OD-23-182 within your department or listed under your direction.

Please be aware that OSP is issuing a modification to this subaward consistent with the NIH requirement. You do not need to take action in SAGE to initiate the modification. All modifications will be documented and available in SAGE.

If you have questions on any particular international subaward you can inquire with the UW Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) at ospsubs@uw.edu.

OSP also recently shared these NIH requirements via MRAM. See: International Subawards & NIH Requirements for Proposals & Awards.

NIH Proposals with International Subrecipients

For any future NIH proposals that include an international subrecipient, please ask them to include the UW’s recommended language in their Letter of Support.

Ongoing Compliance

Going forward, OSP is using our updated subaward agreement template that includes these NIH requirements when issuing subawards under NIH funding.

We reiterate that compliance with the NIH notice involves the UW PI having access to foreign subrecipient records related to the NIH-funded research, no less than once a year. In many cases, this requirement can be met by using commonly available digital file-sharing platforms (e.g., Teams, Box, Dropbox, Google-docs, SharePoint, and Redcap) that are accessed regularly.

Please do not have subrecipients send their research records to OSP. As a central office, we do not maintain research records.
