UW Research
Frequently-Asked Questions

Urgent OSP Requests: Award Setup, Modifications, and Subawards

Information here will help guide you on how to get urgent Award Setup, Modification or Subaward requests to the Office of Sponsored Programs. If you have an urgent request for GCA, please review the GCA Urgent Requests guidance.

Award Setup and Modification Requests

Indicate in SAGE if there is a Sponsor Deadline

  • When there is an actual sponsor deadline, use the “Sponsor has a deadline for accepting the award” toggle on the item in SAGE.
  • Attach or include documentation from the sponsor about the deadline.
  • Use Comments & History to explain any context around the urgency.

Sponsor Deadline Toggle_SAGE

Check SAGE Regularly

Check SAGE regularly to see if an item was returned to you for more information. Review the Comments & History for notes and check to see whether a HOLD was applied.

Reach Out to Your OSP Reviewer

Reach out to your OSP reviewer directly if a sponsor deadline is approaching and you need an update or if there are new developments that impact the urgency.

Escalate to Team Managers

OSP is committed to ensuring you get the information you need when we are reviewing an item. If you do not receive a timely response, please escalate to Team Managers:

OSP Proposal & Awards Team: contact both Ari Santander & Mike Snow

Contracts Team: vacant, please contact OSP Director, Carol Rhodes

OSP Contacts and Organizational Chart are always up to date.

Identifying Your OSP Reviewer

Both the Comments & History section as well as your Awards Request list will display name of the Reviewer handling your item. 


Almost all subaward requests are urgent due to the delays related to the UWFT transition, and our team is working through the backlog as quickly as possible. Do not send your urgent escalation requests to the OSP Subaward inbox.

We understand that there are certain situations that are uniquely urgent. These include:

  • Non-US or small, domestic non-profit subrecipients that do not have the ability to operate under advance budgets
  • Subawards that are putting the UW at risk of not receiving payment from our prime sponsor
  • If the subaward entity is another institution of higher education, OSP is not currently prioritizing these above urgent subaward needs for international, small business, or other entities that do not have pre-award spend mechanisms.
  • If you have a subaward that has been severely delayed due to Award, Award Modification, or Subaward processing delays, you can request that OSP send an “assurance” note of future subaward issuance, with details of the amount and period of performance dates.
    • Send these requests to Amanda Snyder, acs229@uw.edu.  Include the SC number, SA number, reason for delay & urgency of request, SC number, SA number, nature of SA (new, supplement, NCE, etc.), UW Prime award number, subrecipient contact, and email address. OSP will provide assurances for Subaward Requests that are complete and in OSP.
  • If you have some other unique situation and need to request escalation, follow these escalation requests procedures.

OSP Contacts and Organizational Chart are always up to date.

NOTE: if the reviewer of your subaward item is out, please email ospsubs@uw.edu, include the reason for the urgency of the item and the SAGE SC number.