UW Research
Research Administration Learning

Understanding Your New Award

This course picks up where Blueprint of a Proposal leaves off. We overview what happens after the proposal has been submitted and what kinds of communication you might expect at the pre-award phase of a sponsored project. We then take a look at processes that occur when the UW receives an award from a sponsor.

Specific topics include:

  • Sponsor review
  • Types of awards
  • Pre-award sponsor correspondence (e.g. just in time)
  • The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) review, negotiations, and role in the UW setup process
  • P.I./Campus review and Award Setup Request Roles
  • Advance Awards

The focus is on action items for Research Administrators and Principal Investigators, along with opportunities for planning at the setup of a new award to establish a strong foundation for successful management of that award.

Note: This course provides a broad overview of activities occurring after proposal submission through award setup at the UW.  A companion course, Reading the Notice of Award, provides a detailed look at the specific terms and conditions, and sponsor requirements, that are laid out in the Notice of Award a sponsor provides to the UW at award time.


Staff new to sponsored project management

Research Administration Certificate


Last Updated

April 16, 2024

Course Materials

Class Slides

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