UW Research

University of Washington Research Affiliate program on Transporters (UWRAPT)



The University of Washington Research Affiliate program on Transporters (UWRAPT) is a research collaboration between academia and pharmaceutical industry to better understand inter-individual variability in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of drugs by quantifying the absolute expression of transporters in various tissues and cells, and to use this information to predict the disposition of drugs from in vitro data. The UWRAPT program also aims to train students and postdoctoral fellows in the area of quantitative proteomics, PBPK modeling and simulation, and in vitro to in vivo extrapolation (IVIVE) of disposition of drugs.

Core Services Offered

Research, quantification of transporters in cells and tissue (human, preclinical species)

Funding Information

Dues from our Members/External Partners

Reporting Structure

Chair, Department of Pharmaceutics

External Partners

Gilead, Amgen, Takeda, Janssen, Genentech, Merck, Biogen, BMS, Pfizer, AZ, Ardea