UW Research

Responsible AI Systems and Experiences (RAISE)



The mission of RAISE is to advance scholarly, educational, and outreach activities that involve 1) foundational research in intelligent information systems and their interaction with human values and experiences, 2) the development and deployment of such systems in critical yet underserved contexts across the public sector, the physical, life, and social sciences, and relevant industries. These contexts include, but are not limited to, cities, health, education, finance, and policy.

Core Services Offered

The unit provides AI, ML, Human-Centered Computing and Data Science resources, connections, and directions for those working on research and curriculum activities with computational as well as humanistic methods in order to build intelligent and value-sensitive solutions that provide fair and equitable access to information and opportunities to individuals, organizations, and communities.

Funding Information

National Science Foundation
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
U.S. Department of Defense

Reporting Structure

Carole Palmer, Associate Dean for Research, Information School

Related UW Entities

Computer Science and Systems, Tacoma
Department of Linguistics
eScience Institute
Information School
Institute for Foundations of Data Science
Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering
School of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics, UW Bothell
Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences