UW Research

Pacific Northwest Agricultural Safety and Health Center (PNASH)



The Pacific Northwest Agricultural Safety and Health Center (PNASH) conducts research and promotes best safety and health practices for producers and workers in farming, fishing, and forestry.

Our approach includes:

  • Partnering with workers, employers, and communities
  • Conducting problem-based, innovative research with broad scientific expertise
  • Transferring solutions to the workplace through core activities that involve training, outreach, and participatory research

Our research:

  • Focuses on reducing  the most serious hazards that impact the greatest number of workers and communities
  • Engages stakeholder groups to establish research priorities that meet producer and worker needs

Core Services Offered

Research, Prevention and Education Cores (projects)
Pilot Project / Small Grants Program
PNASH research projects employ participatory and engaged methods that ensure our work is relevant and responsive to regional needs.

Funding Information

NIOSH/CDC 2016-2021
WA Dept. of Labor and Industries

Reporting Structure

PNASH Director, Dr. Michael Yost is also chair of the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences, therefore he reports to the Dean of the School of Public Health.

Related UW Entities

Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences, School of Public Health, School of Social Work, College of Environment.

External Partners

Washington State University, Oregon State University, Oregon Health Sciences University, Heritage College, Yakima Farmworkers Clinic, NW Communities Education Center, Boise State University, University of Idaho.