UW Research

Middle East Center



Middle East Center seeks to strengthen an understanding of the Middle East in all sectors of American society through training and research at the University of Washington, as well as through delivery of outreach programming across the nation.

Core Services Offered

MA program in Middle East Studies; foreign language and area studies fellowships for graduates and undergraduates; UW course offerings pertaining to the Middle East; public outreach on the Middle East

Funding Information

United States Department of Education, International and Foreign Language Education, Title VI Comprehensive National Resource Center-Middle East and Foreign Language & Area Studies Programs,  current award 2018-22.

Reporting Structure

Leela Fernandes, Director, Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies

Related UW Entities

College of Arts & Sciences: Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilization, Near & Middle East Interdisciplinary Ph,D, Program, Department of History, Department of Political Science, Department of Anthropology, Department of Law, Societies, and Justice, Department of Sociology, Department of Comparative Literature, Department of Comparative Religion, Department of Jewish Studies, Department of Communication, Department of Economics, Department of Linguistics, Department of Classics, Department of Comparative History of Ideas
Foster School of Business
School of Law
College of Education
School of Public Health
School of Medicine: Department of Global Health

External Partners

OneWorld Now! Seattle