Cystic Fibrosis Research Development Program
The UW Cystic Fibrosis (CF) RDP has been the cornerstone of a very successful CF research program at the UW School of Medicine since 1989. The program has always had a strength in lung infections, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa and it has developed into a leading CF clinical studies center. The program has fostered excellent basic research, translational research, and development of new therapies to treat CF lung infections. We continue to fulfill the mission of the CF Foundation to:
- Generate and disseminate new scientific knowledge in our scientific focus areas.
- Advance innovative laboratory findings towards clinical application to improve the health of people with CF.
- Train the next generation of CF researchers and attract new investigators to CF research.
- Foster collaboration among CF researchers.
- Leverage RDP program resources to obtain additional extramural funding for CF research.
The UW CFF RDP has maintained a flexibility that has allowed it to best serve our CF research community. The long-term goals of our RDP have been and continue to be to provide the basic scientific foundation that can lead to development of new cystic fibrosis therapies and to foster development of more effective treatments for people with cystic fibrosis.
Core Services Offered
Clinical Core:
Host Microbe Core:
Genomics Core:
Pilot and Feasibility Program:
Research Training Program:
Funding Information
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation SINGH19R0: 10/1/19 – 9/30/2023
Reporting Structure
Program Director: Pradeep Singh, MD
Associate Director: Lucas Hoffman, MD, PhD
Related UW Entities
School of Medicine: Departments of Microbiology, Pediatrics, Laboratory Medicine, Genome Sciences, Comparative Medicine, Medicine (Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine), Otolaryngology, Biological Structure
School of Public Health: Department of Biostatistics
School of Dentistry: Department of Oral Health
External Partners
Seattle Children’s Research Institute