UW Research

Center for Health and the Global Environment (CHanGE)



We bring expertise and resources to partnerships around the world to prioritize health in climate change mitigation and adaptation and to incorporate climate resilience into all health sector activities.

Core Services Offered

Mentoring, certificate program, technical review, climate change modeling

Funding Information

SPH startup funding, NOAA, NASA, NIH, ASHTO, CSTE, NSF, RWJF

Reporting Structure

Chair, Global Heath
Chair, Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences
Dean, School of Public Health

Related UW Entities

School of Public Health: Department of Global Health, Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences

School of Medicine: Department of Global Health


External Partners

WHO, WA DOH, ADB, Wellcome Trust, USAID, CSTE, ASHTO, WITS University (South Africa), Harvard Global Health Institute, Lancet Countdown, PHSKC, CDC Climate and Health Program, Aga Khan University