UW Research
Required Training

Animal Use Laws and Regulations Training Course

This course is designed to provide individuals with an overview of the laws and regulations governing the use of live vertebrate animals in research, teaching, and testing at the University of Washington (UW).  The training covers many topics including working with the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), protocol requirements, ethics of animal experimentation, and alternatives to the use of animals.

Who is required to take this training?

IACUC members and anyone working with the animals (including researchers, veterinarians, husbandry staff, etc.).

Summary of the requirement

The Animal Welfare Regulations make it the responsibility of the institution to ensure that all personnel involved in the care, treatment, and use of animals are qualified to perform their duties, which is fulfilled in part through the provision of training and instruction to those personnel. The PHS Policy as implemented by the Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare also requires that the institution is responsible for the training of its staff. Among other things, training must include appropriate methods of animal care and use and the concept of research methods that limit the use of animals or minimize animal distress.

Related policies and regulations