Christie Hegermiller

Assistant Professor
Civil and Environmental Engineering
College of Engineering
Hegermiller Faculty page
Hegermiller announcement Civil and Environmental Engineering

What is your Research Focus?

I am a coastal physical oceanographer interested in wave-driven processes from beach to global ocean space scales, and storm to climate change time scales. My research is focused on understanding the role that waves play in driving coastal circulation, transporting sediment in varied coastal environments, and mediating interactions between the atmosphere and ocean. How do waves contribute to hurricane development? Under future climate scenarios, how might we expect wave conditions to change? What are the implications of future wave climates for our coastlines?

Because the ocean is challenging to observe (instruments are necessarily deployed sparsely, biofoul rapidly, and can fail under strong forces such as large waves; remote observations only measure the ocean surface), my work integrates physics-based numerical models with in situ and remote observations. In particular, I am motivated to bridge the gaps between our conceptual and theoretical frameworks, observations, and prediction methodologies (models), especially for short- and long-term coastal change.

What opportunities at the UW excite you?

I look forward to collaborating with and learning from diverse experts across the UW, Applied Physics Laboratory, local governments and communities. The natural laboratories of Puget Sound and Lake Washington are an added bonus!