UW Research

Zipline Campus Training Site

Use the Zipline Campus Training site to try out Zipline before submitting a live application. Keep in mind:

  1. This site is accessible to anyone- do not enter any confidential information
  2. HSD does not monitor applications submitted to the training site– submit real applications in the live version of Zipline
  3. The training site is not linked to your NetID and password– use the generic account information listed below
  4. The training site has limited capacity– if you don’t get in right away, please try again later
  5. Contact hsdinfo@uw.edu with any questions

Login Information

Any of the Study Staff accounts may be used to test permissions for principal investigators (PI), PI proxies, faculty advisors, and other study team members.

Username Password Account Name/Type
pi uw1Train! Rebecca Simms- Study Staff
coord uw1Train! Carmen Alverado- Study Staff
ss-gas uw1Train! Peter Donahue- Study Staff
ss-hem uw1Train! Thelma Ritter- Study Staff
irbc uw1Train! Orlando Max- IRB Coordinator
comm1 uw1Train! Susan Elmira- IRB Committee Member
Zipline Train Logo