UW Research
Forms and Templates

Concurrence Letter Sample


Many sponsors require prior approval for changes to: the approved budget, time frame, project implementation or other administrative requirements.

Concurrence letters can be used to request prior approval for these changes.

This concurrence letter sample is meant to be used as a guide and is not intended to be used as your actual request.

Send concurrence requests on a SAGE Modification Request (OSP/GCA). Follow relevant instructions for the requested Award Changes.

Note: If the sponsor allows for a different submission method such as Research.gov for NSF or eRA Commons for NIH, please prepare the request according to sponsor instructions and send the request on a SAGE Modification Request to OSP.

Example concurrence reasons:

  • No-cost extensions: notices of an action to extend, or to approve an extension on a project
  • Rebudgeting funds: include percentage changes from line-item budgets, and address related changes in methodology
  • Confirming information: provide updates for human subjects approval, other support pages, budget justification details, etc.
  • PI transfer to another institution and/or to relinquish funds back to the sponsor

A concurrence letter should:

  • carry the university department letterhead,
  • be drafted by and signed by the principal investigator, and
  • be counter-signed by the authorized signing official (i.e., Office of Sponsored Programs director or other approved signer).

Review more information on managing award changes.