UW Research
Required Training


Personnel performing certain techniques at the University of Washington must first be certified to do so. To gain certification, personnel must demonstrate proficiency in performing the technique under the supervision of a designee of the Attending Veterinarian. A list of techniques that require certification can be found on the Animal Use Training Program’s website (http://depts.washington.edu/auts/requirements.html).

Who is required to take this training?

Personnel who will be performing techniques that require certification.

Summary of the requirement

The Animal Welfare Regulations make it the responsibility of the institution to provide training and instruction on humane methods of animal maintenance, including the basic needs of each species, proper handling and care, and proper use of anesthetics and analgesics. The PHS Policy as implemented by the Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare also requires that the institution is responsible for the training of its staff. Among other things, training must ensure that individuals are trained and qualified in handling techniques, and that researchers performing experimental manipulations are qualified to accomplish such procedures humanely.

Related policies and regulations