Fiscal Compliance

You must answer each of the three fiscal compliance questions in this section of the eGC1 Budget & Fiscal Compliance page.

Question F1: Will F&A costs be reimbursed at less than a federally negotiated rate for the UW?

The F&A Cost Rate is determined by the location(s) where the research is performed and is charged as a percentage of total Direct Costs. Rates can be found in GIM 13: F&A Rate Table.  Guidelines for determining split rates when projects are conducted at two or more locations are found at GIM 13: Activity at Two or More Locations.

See also GCA’s page on Facilities & Administrative Costs.

If you answer Yes:

  • Item F1a will display: Attach GIM 13 waiver in the Documents for OSP section of the attachments page, or provide documentation of sponsor F&A policy (e.g. RFP, application documents, or website URL)
  • Use the text box to enter your documentation, or upload an attachment on the Attached Documents page.

Note: for RRF applications, the answer to this question must be No.

Question F2: Will administrative or clerical support be included in the budget as direct costs? (see GIM 23)

NIH grants do not allow administrative or clerical personnel costs unless they meet the criteria in GIM 23.

If you answer Yes:

  • Explain how administrative or clerical personnel will be used in the proposed project, following the criteria in GIM 23 Appendix A (Examples of Direct Costs).  This must be appropriately justified in the sponsor application, following sponsor guidelines.

Question F3: Does this application commit funds for cost sharing or matching?

Cost Sharing, Matching or Continuation occurs when an application promises to deliver a support or service for which the research grant does not pay.

  • Cost Sharing may be mandatory (required by sponsor) or voluntary (a contribution of effort or other costs offered by the Principal Investigator which the sponsor does not require as condition of the award).  Cost sharing occurs when an application commits allowable expenses (i.e., personnel, tuition, equipment or services) for which the research grant will not pay. You must charge these costs to an alternate source (UW or third party). You need to identify all sources and they must agree (via the eGC1 approval process) to commit the necessary funds. For more information, see the GCA Cost Sharing Overview page or GIM 21: Cost Share on Sponsored Programs.
  • Matching funds occur when proposal funding is contingent on a unit’s agreement to commit a matching amount of funding ($) to a project. Matching funds may come in the form of a gift or a grant.
  • Continuation funding takes three forms:
    • (a) it provides funding from a secondary source for ongoing support of a project after the original funding is depleted
    • (b) continuation funds may also be granted if the project is unable to be completed by the original time line and the sponsor has agreed to provide supplemental funding to see the project through to completion
    • (c) continuation funding also occurs when a portion of the original funding commitment is continued and the remaining budget must be found in grant money.

If you answer Yes:

  • Identify whether you are including cost sharing, matching or program continuation.
  • Provide a brief explanation in the text box and attach the completed Addendum form on the Attached Documents page. (On the Addendum, complete all fields including faculty effort, budget number and third party contribution.)
  • Indicate the cost sharing amounts and sources in the Personnel section of the eGC1’s Cost Sharing page.