Cost Center Receiving Funding

The Cost Center Receiving Funding is the UW’s alpha-numeric ID which identifies the department or unit that will receive funding. Ask your fiscal specialist or department administrator which Cost Center ID you should use.

Note: GCA requires the ID to be at the department level or below.

The following image shows this section before a Cost Center is selected.

Cost Center field in SAGE

Select Look Up Cost Center to use the Cost Center Chooser. Enter your Cost Center ID directly in the chooser or search by all or part of your Cost Center name. The image below shows the Cost Center Chooser search results after “Microbiology” is entered.

Cost Center Chooser with "Microbiology" searched

Once you have selected the Cost Center ID link, it will be selected as the Cost Center Receiving Funding.

Fielded Cost Center of Microbiology

The Change the Cost Center? link will re-display the chooser so that you can select a different Cost Center ID.