Edit an eGC1
You can edit an eGC1, if:
- You have read/write access to it AND
- It has a status of Composing, Withdrawn, or Returned
Editing exceptions are:
- The Contacts & Assign Access page of an eGC1 is always editable
- The PI, Personnel & Organizations page is also editable for an eGC1 with a status of Approved, Awarded, or Denied by Sponsor
Changing a Routing eGC1
If you need to make changes to a routing eGC1, you must start by withdrawing it from routing. Before you withdraw your eGC1, you may want to contact approvers to let them know that you plan to do so. A routing eGC1 would have a status of Routing or In OSP.
To withdraw and then re-route the eGC1:
- Click Certify & Route on the left navigation menu.
- Click the Withdraw button in the Update Application section at the top of the page.
- Make the changes to your eGC1, and then return to the Certify & Route page.
- Scroll down to the Process Application section, and click Route to Reviewers. When you click Route to Reviewers, the eGC1 moves back into routing and becomes locked for editing.
Any approver who already approved your eGC1 is not contacted again. If you make a major change, you may add them back into the approval graph as ad hoc approvers.
Note: If you have marked your eGC1 Yes for Ready to Submit and it is at In OSP status, you must contact OSP to return your eGC1 in order to make changes.
Read/Write Access to the eGC1
The eGC1’s owners and any users specifically assigned read/write access on the Contacts & Access page can edit an eGC1.
The owners are:
- PI
- Administrative Contact
- Pre-Award Budget Contact
- eGC1 Preparer
- Budget Preparer, if a SAGE Budget is linked to the eGC1
Users with a SAGE ASTRA role of Global Edit with a Cost Center that matches any Cost Center for a reviewer in the approval flow can also edit an eGC1. Note: Global Editors access completed eGC1s from the My Approvals tab. A Global Editor cannot access an eGC1 in Composing status with just the Global Editor role.