Activity Locations Section

Use this section to identify each location where UW research activities are taking place. You must enter at least one location. As with other eGC1 pages, you can partially complete your entries and save the eGC1. You must complete the required fields before you route your eGC1 for approval.

List performance sites where UW personnel will work on the project. Do not list:

  • Authorized official (OSP)/institutional mailing address
  • Subrecipient locations
  • Other locations where UW personnel will not be working
  • Field work occurring away from the UW for less than 30 consecutive days (unless required by your Dean’s Office)

See GIM 13 Facilities and Administrative (F&A) Rates for additional information on determining Activity Locations.

If some UW activity locations are “to be determined” at proposal time (for example, a Training Grant for which trainees and their projects are “to be named”), please enter all known UW Activity Locations (Harborview Medical Center, UW Health Sciences Building, and so forth).

SAGE integrates with UW’s space tracking system GeoSIMS, allowing you to search for a location by facility name, address or facility code. You can also manually enter locations not found in GeoSIMS by selecting Create a New Location.

The image below shows the section opened to add a location.  Select + Add Location to open the dialog where you can search GeoSIMS location data or add a new location.

add an activity location dialog

Add a Location

When you select Add Location a dialog will open. You can either search GeoSIMS for a location or add one manually. By default the search choice will display. The following image shows the dialog.

add an activity location search

Search GeoSIMS

Start entering text to see search results. You can search by name, street address, or facility code. If there is no match, use the Enter Manually feature to enter your location, as described below.

Clicking on your selection from the results list will display the name and address of the location. The following image shows the information for Mary Gates Hall.

location name and address

Select the blue “Next” button in the lower right corner to continue to the next step. This asks the question: How will the location be made available to the program? The choices are:

  • Leased by the UW
  • Owned by the UW
  • In a facility offered at no cost to the UW
  • Field work away from the UW for more than 30 consecutive days
  • Other

The system will prepopulate the value for this location from GeoSIMS. The image below shows the modal with the “Owned by the UW” choice selected.

location availability

Use the small, blue X in the upper right corner to cancel and return to the section page. Select the blue “Next” button to the next step.

In this step you can optionally enter any additional comments or descriptions about the location.

If your location is leased, there will be an additional question in this step: Will rent be charged to sponsor as a direct cost? If you answer “No” you will need to provide an explanation. This following image shows this step.

location rent and comments

Select the blue “Save” button in the lower right corner to complete the process.

Manually Enter a New Location

When you select Enter Manually in the initial dialog, it will display the Add Location step, where you can add the Location Name (required) and address information (optional). The address fields are:

  • Street Address
  • City
  • State
  • Zip
  • Country

The following image shows the input fields.

add new location data

Use the small, black X in the upper right corner to cancel and return to the section page. Select the blue “Next” button in the lower right corner to continue to the next step.

You will need to answer the question “How will this location be made available to the program?” The choices are:

  • Leased by the UW
  • Owned by the UW
  • In a facility offered at no cost to the UW
  • Field work away from the UW for more than 30 consecutive days
  • Other

If you select either the “no-cost” option, or “other” option, the Explanation text box appears. You will need to provide additional details. This is shown is the following image.

location availability

Note: If your department/school/college requires you to list locations for field work of less than 30 days, select “Other” and put a description in the explanation box.

Select Next to continue to the last step. If your location is leased, there will be an additional question in this step: Will rent be charged to sponsor as a direct cost? If you answer “No” you will need to provide an explanation.  You must also provide a short description of the location and any justifications for its use.

location rent comments

Added Locations Table

The Activity Locations section will display your added locations in a table below the Create a New Location link. To expand or contract a table entry, click on the “chevron” icon on the far left, or anywhere on the entry fields. An additional row of information will display.

The table includes the following columns:

  • Name – location name from GeoSIMS or a newly added location
  • Source – GeoSIMS if searched for or Manual for a new location
  • Location Type – Owned or Leased
  • Rent Charged to Sponsor – N/A for owned; either Yes or No. If No, the Rent Explanation displays below.
  • Actions – displays two icons: a pencil for editing the entry and a trash can for deleting the entry
  • Address information appears below Name when the entry is expanded
  • Description comments appear below Source when the entry is expanded
  • Rent Explanation appears below Rent Charged to Sponsor when the entry is expanded

When you return to the Activity Locations main page, this same table will appear, along with an Edit Section link.

The image below shows the addition of two locations from GeoSIMS. Both entries are expanded to display all of the information. The locations are Padelford Hall on the Seattle campus and a South Lake Union Lab off campus.

expanded activity locations table