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YPRS Tutorial: Using the Calendar feature to reflect your programming dates

You will be asked to record the dates and times of each session you register in the Youth Program Registration System (YPRS). For more about how to group your programming into sessions, see the “Understanding Programs & Sessions” accordion above.

The goal is to represent interactions with youth as accurately as possible.  Accurate representation of your session, especially the dates and times, helps us safeguard youth by providing a complete picture of who is interacting with youth and where and when the interactions occur. To this end, the Date and Time field in the YPRS has several functions to facilitate more accurate and streamlined recording of occurrences: 

  • Single day: for one-time events, simply enter the date, start and end times.
  • Multiple day: for multi-day, consecutive events (e.g., December 5-9). Click on specific dates or use the “Exclude all” feature to exclude all of a specific day of the week (e.g., weekends).

  • Recurrence: for multiple meetings on a regular schedule (e.g., every Wednesday, or the 15th of every month). Use the “Repeat Daily/Weekly/Monthly” feature to further refine dates (e.g., exclude weekends).

Once you input the start and end dates (along with the pattern of recurrence, if applicable), the YPRS will populate a calendar of those dates. Dates with programming scheduled will be indicated in green; dates without programming scheduled will be gray. You can further refine your schedule by clicking dates “on” or “off” to change their scheduling status.

The YPRS will accept up to 1 year of programming per session, beginning from the start date you indicate. Annual reregistration of programs is required: if your session runs continually or recurs annually, you will ‘renew’ your registration in the YPRS by registering a new session, with a new year’s worth of dates, before the previous session’s end date. 

See the next page for examples of common scheduling questions and how to accurately record the dates in the YPRS. If you have questions, contact the Office of the Youth Protection Coordinator at


Your tutoring program operates Monday-Friday in an elementary school for the entirety for the school year. Instead of entering a start date and end date (which would indicate you are interacting with youth every day during that time, including weekends), select only days that school (and/or your program) will be in session. 

  1. Enter your session start and end dates.
  2. You have 2 options to remove weekends and show M-F only programming:
    1. Select “Multiple days.” Next to “Exclude All,” select “Sat” and “Sun” to remove weekends.
    2. Select “Recurrence.” Enter “Repeats Weekly” every “1 week.” From the “On” drop-down, select weekdays only (Monday-Friday).
  3. From the populated calendars, deselect any additional dates without programming (e.g., holidays, school breaks, etc.), like the December and March breaks indicated by arrows.


Your program runs a monthly field trip, but not always on the same date (e.g., the 15th) or day of the week (e.g., the first Wednesday). 

  1. In the “Start Date” and “End Date” fields, enter the dates of your first and last field trips.
  2. Select “Recurrence.”
  3. From the “Repeats” drop-down, select “Monthly.” (If your programming repeats more frequently than this example, “Weekly” may be better.) 
  4. From the “On” drop-down, select whatever combination of timing and day best matches your programming: if most of your dates are early in the month, select “First Monday of every 1 month.” This will be imperfect: the goal is to get somewhat close to your non-pattern of dates as possible.
  5. The YPRS will generate a calendar reflecting the pattern of dates you indicated. The calendar will not accurately reflect your actual field trips, given the random dates you are operating – but you may subsequently correct any inaccuracies by deselecting incorrect dates and selecting instead the correct dates so your actual field trip dates are highlighted in green.