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APS 10.13 Policy Resource Guide

Administrative Policy Statement 10.13 Requirements for University and Third Party Led Youth Programs protects the well-being of youth (i.e., individuals under age 18) involved in UW programs, activities, events, and research, and safeguards them against harm. It is everyone’s responsibility to protect youth from harm. Those who have interactions with youth as part of their UW duties must follow the specific requirements below.

Does this apply to my UW program, activity, event, or research?


How does this apply to Non-UW Youth Program that uses UW Property?

APS 10.13 for Third Parties

Youth program requirements

All of the requirements below must be met in order to maintain compliance with APS 10.13

Simply put, it is everyone’s responsibility to protect youth from harm. Those who have interactions with youth as part of their UW duties must follow the requirements of APS.10.13. Individual units (Colleges, Schools, Offices) and their respective departments are responsible for ensuring that requirements are met. Deans, Vice Presidents and Chancellors or their designees are responsible for making decisions regarding the status of youth directed events, e.g., approving activities and deciding whether failure to meet requirements should result in discontinuation of an activity.

Administration of APS 10.13 is overseen by the Office of the Youth Protection Coordinator. Administrative responsibilities include interpreting and advising on specific requirements and providing education to support University stakeholders in meeting requirements. OYPC additionally tracks compliance with requirements and provides information on compliance status as well as offers consultation to those working to improve compliance. Several partners are involved as subject matter experts including but not limited to Human Resources, Academic HR, Environmental Health and Safety, the Privacy Office, Safe Campus, and UWPD.

UW youth programs must be entered into the UW Youth Program Registration System (YPRS) prior to the start of the program. OYPC strongly recommends submitting your registration at least 30 days prior to the start of your session. This will allow you time to ensure all personnel complete required steps in advance of interacting with youth.


Employees and volunteers designated as authorized personnel must complete the following screening, training and conduct requirements prior to interacting with youth.

Download this background handout and this quick reference pre-service checklist for Authorized Personnel. Note that this checklist does not include pre-service activities specifically required by an individual program.

1. Screening requirements:

Authorized personnel must have a valid background screening on file prior to interacting with youth and every three years thereafter. See specific background screening procedures on the UW HR website and learn more on our page describing the background check step-by-step process for authorized personnel.

If at any point while acting as authorized personnel in a youth program an individual is charged with an offense as identified in RCW 43.43.830, they must disclose this information immediately to the department or unit administrator.

NOTE: Background screenings can take up to 2 weeks to complete or longer if the candidate is not prompt in responding to action steps.

Other related policies: 
Background screenings may be required for other security/safety/sensitive positions within a UW youth program.  See additional background check screening criteria.


2. Training requirements:

Authorized personnel must complete the “Promoting Safe Interactions with Youth” online training prior to interacting with youth. Training completion will be tracked centrally in the YPRS. This training is available online through the Youth Program Registration System, accessible with or without a UWNetID.

Youth programs must sufficiently train all personnel to provide safe and developmentally appropriate program services. See suggested training content that addresses the safety and developmental needs of youth.

Other related policies: 

All UW employees and volunteers are required to complete the training, “Reporting Suspected Child Abuse or Neglect.” Training completion will be tracked centrally in the YPRS for any personnel involved in a UW youth program. This training is available online through the Youth Program Registration System, accessible with or without a UWNetID.


3. Conduct requirements:

Authorized personnel must abide by the University Standards for Interacting with Youth.

University youth program personnel must acknowledge in writing that they agree to abide by these standards at all times during the course of fulfilling their duties with the youth program. Authorized personnel must electronically sign the conduct code acknowledgment every 12 months via the Youth Program Registration System.

Youth programs should incorporate these standards into pre-service hiring and orientation activities.


If a youth program representative becomes aware of behaviors of concern that represent clear violations of the University Standards for Interacting with Youth, they must notify SafeCampus at 206-685-SAFE within 48 hours. To learn more, view the Addressing Unsafe Interactions and Behaviors of Concern webpage to guide your reporting decisions.

Other related policies: 

Additionally, in accordance with UW Executive Order 56: Reporting Suspected Child Abuse or Neglect, all employees and volunteers must report suspected child abuse or neglect at the first opportunity to the Washington State Department of Children, Youth and Families Child Protective Services (DCYF CPS) or the police no later than 48 hours after suspecting that the abuse has taken place. Situations of suspected abuse that involve a UW program, employee, volunteer or facility, must also be reported to SafeCampus, after contacting CPS or the police.


Using the Behaviors of Concern Continuum mini-module

Youth programs must adhere to state and federal workplace and environmental safety regulations and protect the health and safety of youth while in our care. Specifically, youth programs must follow University guidance when hosting youth in labs, shops, makerspaces, studios, or other facilities with certain hazards present.

Other related policies: 

Youth are only allowed to access UW labs, shops, makerspaces, and studios, under the direct supervision of an authorized faculty, staff member, or student, or part of a formally guided tour or supervised educational program as outlined in Administrative Policy Statement 10.9.


Youth programs must have an emergency preparedness plan in place in the case of a natural disaster, active threat, or other emergencies as well as maintain everyday safeguards to minimize safety risks and protect youth in their programs.

Youth programs must be included in their department/unit’s fire safety and evacuation plan.

Youth programs must have procedures in place to respond to known health conditions, including medication management and any other reasonable accommodations, and health related emergencies. Follow this guidance for responding to known health conditions and emergencies.


Youth Programs involving external (non-UW) partners should additionally review this guidance for meeting University requirements