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Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology
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We found 239 matching articles.
Case Studies
Case Study: Exam Accommodations and Anna’s Chronic Illness
Conference Engagement via Robot: A Case Study in an Option for a Student Unable to Travel
Distance Learning 101: A Case Study on Accessibility in Collaboration
Dr. Doe's Internet Course: A Case Study on Accessible Distance Learning
Electronic Course Reserves: A Case Study on Universal Access to Electronic Information in Academic Libraries
Inaccessibility in a Calculus Course: A Case Study on Educating Faculty and Staff about Learning Disabilities
Kirk and the GRE: A Case Study Regarding the Graduate Records Examination (GRE) and Chronic Pain
Marion's New Job: A Case Study on Web Accessibility for Instructors
Software Compatibility: A Case Study on Assistive Technology, Accessible Course Software, and a Student with Low Vision
Teresa and Computer Science: A Case Study in Coding With Minimal Movement
Universally Designed Web Pages: A Case Study on Access Issues for a Student with a Learning Disability
Promising Practices
A Smart Board in the Classroom: A Promising Practice for Engaging Students
AccessComputing Engagement: A Promising Practice in Universally Designing Remote Meetings
Accessibility Rallies: A Promising Practice for Promoting Accessible Web Design
Accessibility Reviews: A Promising Practice to Improve the Accessibility of Local Science Education Programs
AccessLibraries: A Promising Practice for Promoting the Accessibility of Libraries
ALA: A Promising Practice in Ensuring the Accessibility of Technology
Alt-Text as Poetry: A Promising Practice in Reimagining Alt-Text
Asynchronous Instruction: A Promising Practice Using Online Access
Bellevue College: A Promising Practice in Modifying a Web Accessibility Curriculum to be More Practical
Bellingham Public Schools: A Promising Practice in Steps Toward Making IT Accessible in K-12 Schools
BizTech Accessibility Award: A Promising Practice in Promoting Information Technology Accessibility
Blue Ridge Community College: A Promising Practice in Using Student Feedback to Improve Access to Information Technology
Boston Public Schools Access Technology Center: A Promising Practice of Universal Design
Canfield Middle School: A Promising Practice in Motivating Math Students with Technology
Capacity Building Institutes: A Promising Practice for Collaboration
Captain Strong Elementary: A Promising Practice in Engaging Students with Learning Differences
CIRCL: A Promising Practice in Modeling and Promoting Accessibility
Classroom Performance System: A Promising Practice in Engaging All Students
Cornell Tech Course on Interaction Techniques: A Promising Practice in Normalizing Disability in a Technical Course
Course Accessibility Checklist: A Promising Practice in Helping Instructors Create Accessible Online Learning Courses
Deaf kids Code: A Promising Practice in Introducing Computer Programming
Design Projects That Serve Veterans with Disabilities: A Promising Practice in Teaching How to Design Assistive Technology
DO-IT 2-4: A Promising Practice in Supporting Transitions from Two- to Four-Year Colleges
DO-IT Admin: A Promising Practice in Making Student Services Accessible to Students with Disabilities
DO-IT Mentoring: A Promising Practice in Creating an Accessible Electronic Community
DO-IT Prof: A Promising Practice in Making Postsecondary Instruction Accessible to Students with Disabilities
DO-IT Show and Tell: A Promising Practice for Creating Positive Attitudes About Disability
DO-IT: A Promising Practice in Designing Accessible Videos
Faculty Learning Communities: A Promising Practice in Faculty Development
Fife School District: A Promising Practice to Maximize Outcomes of Professional Development for Teachers
GALL Laboratory: A Promising Practice in Applying Problem-Based Learning
Gaming for the Greater Good: A Promising Practice in Teaching About Both Technology and Disability
Garfield-Palouse High School: A Promising Practice in Creating an Inclusive High School Science Lab
Homeland Security 508 Compliance Office: A Promising Practice in Promoting Accessible IT
Informing the Design of Cyberlearning: A Promising Practice in Promoting Diversity in Cyberlearning
Integrating Woodshop, Technology and Reading: A Promising Practice in Team-Teaching
IT + AT: A Promising Practice in Creating a Technology-Rich Experience for All Students
Kennewick Elementary School: A Promising Practice in Using Technology to Improve Teaching
Kentucky's AITIS Project: A Promising Practice in Helping Schools Comply with an Accessible IT Act
Kentucky's K-12 Accessible Textbook Law: A Promising Practice on Accessibility Law for K-12
Landmark College: A Promising Practice on Developing Learning Resources for Students with Learning Disabilities
Letter to the President: A Promising Practice in Promoting Technology Accessibility
Maplewood Middle School: A Promising Practice in Integrating Technology for Students with Visual Impairments
MAR*TEC Techno-Briefs: A Promising Practice on Explaining Technology Accessibility to Educators
MESA: A Promising Practice in Making Math and Science Curriculum Accessible
Michigan Virtual University: A Promising Practice in Developing Standards for Online Courses
Missouri State University: A Promising Practice in Building Accessibility into Mainstream IT Policies
NAD: A Promising Practice in Streaming Captioned Educational Video
North Carolina State University: A Promising Practice on Web Accessibility Policy
Ohio State University: A Promising Practice in Web Accessibility Support
Oregon State University: A Promising Practice in Establishing Information Technology Accessibility Guidelines
Orofino High School: A Promising Practice for Hands-On Science for Everyone
OSTA: A Promising Practice of a Professional Organization Promoting Accessible Science
PEERs Climate Survey: A Promising Practice for Comparing the Experiences of Diverse Groups of Students Within and Between Academic Departments
Phoenix Reading Project at Sugar-Salem High School: A Promising Practice in Using Scan/Read Software
PIVoT: A Promising Practice in Making an Online Physics Course Accessible
PubMed at the UW: A Promising Practice in Universal Web Design
Senior Design Projects to Aid Individuals with Disabilities: A Promising Practice in Teaching about Assistive Technology
Shaping the Future of Cyberlearning: A Promising Practice for Promoting Accessibility in Cyberlearning Projects
SMARTer Board Project: A Promising Practice for Teaching Students to Solve Visual Accessibility Issues
South Carolina Department of Education: A Promising Practice in Developing an Educational Technology Plan
System Change in New Mexico: A Promising Practice on Improving Access to E&IT in a K-12 System
Teaching About Accessibility: A Promising Practice for Integrating Accessibility Topics in Computing and IT Courses
The Educational Leadership Team: A Promising Practice on Promoting Accessible IT
The Federal Government: A Promising Practice in Providing Assistance to Procurement Officials
The One By One Project: A Promising Practice in Using a CoP Model to Strengthen Connections Between Sites
The University of Washington: A Promising Practice in Making Distance Learning Courses Accessible to Students with Disabilities
The University of Washington: A Promising Practice in User Group Support for Web Accessibility
Tools and Techniques for Accessible Web Content: A Promising Practice in Webcast Training
Transitional Bridges: A Promising Practice in Using Universal Design and Technology to Promote the Success of Students with Disabilities in STEM
Universal Design for Learning in Kentucky: A Promising Practice on State-level Systems Change
University of Minnesota: A Promising Practice in Developing an Accessible Information Technology Policy
University of Washington: A Promising Practice in Using Existing Policies to Support Web Accessibility Practices
University of Wisconsin-Madison: A Promising Practice in Development, Articulation, and Support of a Web Accessibility Policy
UW-IT's Captioning Project: A Promising Practice in Setting up a Captioning Project on a College Campus
WebD2: A Promising Practice in Integrating Accessibility Topics into Curriculum
Are electronic whiteboards accessible to people with disabilities?
Are frames accessible?
Are peer review tools accessible?
Are Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) accessible?
Are there any court cases on web accessibility and the obligations of postsecondary institutions under Section 504 or ADA?
Are there fume hoods that are accessible to people with mobility impairments?
Are there guidelines for creating accessible math?
Are there organizations that support students with disabilities interested in computer science?
Are there resources to support students with disabilities interested in studying abroad?
Are there standards for developing or purchasing accessible fax machines, photocopiers, and other office equipment?
Are touch screens accessible?
Can all television sets display closed captions?
Can captions be generated automatically using speech recognition?
Can information technology function as assistive technology?
Can more than one Section 508 standard apply to a product or technology?
Do postsecondary institutions have to provide assistive technology (for example, screen enlargement or voice recognition software) to students with disabilities who enroll in distance learning courses?
Does a postsecondary institution have to provide specific hardware or software (known as assistive technology) that an individual with a disability requests so that they can access information technology used on campus?
Does making our school web content accessible mean I cannot use multimedia on my site?
How accessible are Microsoft Word documents?
How can a financial aid office make services accessible to a student who is blind or has low vision?
How can conferences, meetings, presentations, and events be made accessible?
How can educational entities determine if their websites are accessible?
How can I better understand the Section 508 standards?
How can I communicate with colleagues regarding making our library accessible to patrons with disabilities?
How can I design a school computer lab to be accessible to all students?
How can I get started in making my distance learning course accessible to all students?
How can I include people with disabilities in the broader impacts statement of my NSF grant proposal?
How can I make my chemistry labs accessible to students with disabilities?
How can I make my computing department more accessible to students with disabilities?
How can I utilize student interns to promote accessible informal STEM learning?
How can K-12 computing instructors get support working with students with disabilities?
How can K-12 educators promote the use of accessible technology in schools?
How can math assessments be made accessible?
How can my educational entity deliver accessible webcasts?
How can our school or district go about developing an accessible information technology policy?
How can parents promote the use of accessible technology in schools?
How can people who are blind operate computers?
How can people who have low vision operate a computer?
How can people with mobility impairments operate computers?
How can postsecondary technology-enhanced learning environments be made accessible?
How can principles of universal design be applied to technology-based math content?
How can principles of universal design be used to construct a computer lab?
How can publishers create accessible math textbooks?
How can STEM academic departments be more accessible to and inclusive of faculty with disabilities?
How can students with learning disabilities benefit from computer use?
How can switches be used by people who cannot operate a standard keyboard or mouse?
How can the use of accessible IT be promoted to K-12 educational entities?
How can universal design be applied in educational settings?
How can universal design be applied in postsecondary education?
How can universal design be applied to instruction?
How can universal design, disability, and accessibility topics be integrated into the engineering curriculum?
How can web design teachers learn to incorporate web accessibility in their courses?
How can you include individuals with disabilities in broadening participation activities for other underrepresented groups?
How can you prepare engineering students to work with people with disabilities?
How do I develop accessible educational software?
How do I make websites accessible?
How do IT companies express their commitment to accessibility?
How do learning management systems differ on accessibility?
How do scripting languages affect accessibility?
How do we make electronic resources accessible in our school library?
How does accessibility differ across operating systems?
How might information technologies present barriers to students and employees with disabilities?
How widespread is the use of information technology in preschool through high school?
In a postsecondary setting, who is responsible for providing Braille translation?
Is Flash content accessible?
Is Google Apps Accessible?
Is instructional software typically accessible to students with disabilities?
Is it reasonable to use an ad hoc approach to accessibility of electronic and information technology?
Is PDF accessible?
What access challenges do people with disabilities face when using a telephone?
What accessibility features are available within the Macintosh operating system?
What accessibility features are provided with the Windows operating system?
What advice can be given to a high school student with a disability preparing for college?
What advice can I give to a college student with a disability to promote their success?
What alternative pointing systems are available for someone who cannot use a mouse?
What are "mitigating measures" with respect to a disability?
What are examples of accessible information and communication technology in education?
What are issues related to the design of accessible software?
What are key issues regarding IT accessibility in higher education?
What are legal issues associated with the design of accessible software?
What are some considerations regarding library staff who may work with visitors with disabilities?
What are some examples of engineering courses that teach about disability, accessibility, or universal design?
What are some hints for communicating with individuals who have disabilities?
What are some low-tech assistive technologies that aid computer access?
What are some of the barriers students with disabilities face in distance learning courses?
What are some of the challenges students with Dyslexia face in using technology?
What are some steps that distance learning program administrators can take to ensure the accessibility of their courses?
What are specific computer applications that can assist students with learning disabilities?
What are Telecommunications Relay Services?
What are the functional performance criteria specified by Section 508?
What are the options for someone who cannot operate a standard keyboard?
What are the steps to take in making a school computer lab accessible?
What are tips for creating accessible social media posts?
What are typical accommodations for students with blindness?
What aspects of the Exploring Computer Science (ECS) or Computer Science Principles (CSP) curriculum might present accessibility challenges to students with disabilities?
What can campus leaders do to ensure IT is accessible?
What can disabled student services offices do to help students with disabilities successfully transition from two- to four-year colleges?
What challenges do individuals with speech impairments face in operating computers?
What considerations should be made in order to develop accessible web-based distance learning courses?
What considerations should be made to ensure that electronic and information resources in a library are accessible?
What does Section 255 of the Telecommunications Act require?
What does Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 require?
What does word prediction software do?
What institutional strategies can reduce barriers to academic STEM careers faced by women with disabilities?
What is a reading system?
What is a refreshable Braille display?
What is a Voluntary Product Accessibility Template?
What is accessible electronic and information technology?
What is assistive technology?
What is computer-based speech recognition?
What is Cyberlearning?
What is electronic and information technology?
What is MathML?
What is MSAA?
What is the Access Board?
What is the Clinger-Cohen Act, and how does it affect people with disabilities?
What is the difference between accessible, usable, and universal design?
What is the difference between the W3C guidelines and the Section 508 standards for web accessibility?
What is the National Council on Disability (NCD), and how are they involved in accessible electronic and information technology?
What is the relationship between Section 508 and the Clinger-Cohen Act?
What is universal design?
What is Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)?
What legal issues are associated with access to video products for students with sensory impairments?
What makes information and communication technology inaccessible to people with disabilities?
What should I consider when deciding what kind of adaptive technology to use?
What should I do when a student informs me of a disability and requests an accommodation for a distance learning course?
What should people who have visual impairments expect regarding accessibility of telecommunications products?
What specific challenges make it difficult for people with mobility impairments to operate computers?
What standards exist for developing and purchasing accessible software?
What standards exist for developing and purchasing accessible telecommunications products?
What standards exist for developing and purchasing accessible video and multimedia products?
What standards exist for procuring accessible desktop and portable computers?
What steps can developers take to ensure that online learning tools are usable by people with disabilities?
What strategies can disability and information technology (IT) professionals implement to encourage accessibility of webpages, videos, and documents on their campuses?
What technology can be helpful for teaching students with invisible disabilities?
What web-based resources tell how to make STEM accessible to people with disabilities?
Where can I find a guide to Section 508 resource documents?
Where can I find a useful list of web resources regarding web accessibility?
Where can I find guidelines for making online learning projects more accessible?
Where can I find information about the current state and future of cyberlearning?
Where can I find information on the digital divide?
Where can I find online resources for learning about accessible information technology?
Where can I find training materials for making science, technology, engineering, and mathematics instruction accessible?
Where can I find vendors who specialize in assistive technology and materials for science laboratories?
Where can I learn about free assistive technology?
Where can I learn more about technology accessibility in Canadian postsecondary institutions?
Which library databases are accessible?
Which postsecondary institutions have IT accessibility policies?
Which set of web accessibility standards or guidelines should I comply with?
Which states have technology accessibility laws, policies, and standards?
Who offers training on assistive technology and the design of accessible technology?
Why is it important to integrate disability, accessibility, and universal design content into engineering courses?