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Interviewing resources

  • We encourage program directors to conduct in person interviews with all eligible applicants.
  • Consider scheduling interview time slots now for the week after the application closes. Message students who have applied to your program NOW to select an interview slot. This will save time during the decision making window.
  • During the application process, conduct either individual or group interviews to determine applicants’ qualifications for a program.
  • During the interview, pay attention to student’s behavior and body language in addition to responses to questions.
  • If you conduct group interviews, notice interpersonal interactions.
    • Is there a student who consistently speaks first and most often? One who seems extremely nervous?

Admissions decisions must be made 12 days after the program deadline for students to be considered for UW Study Abroad Scholarships. 

Sample questions


  • Why are you interested in this particular program and destination?
  • What can/will you contribute to the group or program?


  • Have you experienced a period of difficulty in an unfamiliar situation before?
    • What was that like for you, how did you manage it and what did you learn from the experience?
  • What are your experiences living in a group setting?
  • What are you hoping to gain from this experience? How does it relate to your personal goals?
  • What kind of challenges do you expect to encounter? How do you intend to manage them?
  • How will you measure whether or not the program is successful?
  • Have you traveled outside the U.S. before? If so, where and for how long?
  • What excites you the most about this program? What scares you the most?


  • What coursework have you taken that has prepared you for this experience? Language background?
  • Share a powerful academic learning experience that you have had.
  • How will you integrate this experience into you overall academic life?
  • How does the program relate to your overall academic goals?

Program-specific (if applicable)

  • Do you have any difficulties with physical activities (walking long distances, hiking, riding bicycles, etc.)?
  • Do you have experience living in rural conditions?

Wrapping up

  • Do you have questions for me, as program director, concerning the program, curriculum, location, etc.?

Selection of program participants must be in line with UW Non-discrimination policy.