Phase II Scholars

Phase II Scholars began participation in DO-IT in 2002 and attended their second Summer Study at the University of Washington in August of 2003. During that session, they worked closely with University faculty; in small groups, they studied the Game of Life (computer image processing), time zones and map making, accessible design of Web pages, and virtual reality. Throughout the year, they communicate via the Internet and participate in DO-IT activities, projects, and internships.

My name is Amy. I'm going to be in 12th grade at Burlington-Edison High School. I plan to join the Air Force to become a pilot. I love to go out with my friends and see everything there is to see in life. I have a learning disability that interferes with my reading and writing. I also have ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder), which interferes with many things at school and home. I'm involved with lots of school programs such as Natural Helpers, group counseling, and peer mediation. I love to help other people. I plan to get a Ph.D. in psychology and education so I can be an 8th grade teacher. In my spare time, I plan to fly and drive race cars.

My name is Silvia. I was born in Mexico and I have lived in Royal City, Washington for 12 years. I was born with Osteogenesis Imperfecta (brittle bones or glass bones), which means that my bones break easily. I'm going to be a freshman at Eastern Washington University. I have two older sisters and two younger brothers. I enjoy traveling, watching sports, playing on the computer, and talking to friends. I plan to major in business and minor in computer technology and/or Spanish/Japanese.

Hello, my name is Rebecca. I'm 17 years old. I live on Camano Island with my mom, dad, and little sister, Lisa. It is a really pretty place. I have a dog named Buck. He is a Golden Retriever/ Blue Healer mix. I really like anime and manga (Japanese cartoons and comics). I have a learning disability. My two favorite subjects are Japanese and math. This fall I will be going to Skagit Valley Community College in Mount Vernon, Washington. I will be going for a degree in Culinary Arts. Other interests I have are reading, writing, music, and playing on the computer.

My name is Ian and I am a junior at Coupeville High School on Whidbey Island. I'm interested in software engineering and other computer-related occupations. I hope to learn several programming languages including C++ and Java. I plan on going to college at the University of Washington with help from DO-IT. My goal is to write a program that will assist me in world domination, or get a steady job working at Microsoft.

Hello! My name is Saroj. I'm 17 years old. I am a senior at Kennedy High School. I have a learning disability. I am interested in becoming a social worker. I am thankful to have my mom (Fransing) in my life. She has helped my life be a success. I like working out, listening to music, dancing, hanging out with friends, and snowboarding. DO-IT has been a really good experience for me.

Hi. My name is Gimmie. I'm going into the 12th grade at Lewis and Clark High School in Vancouver, Washington. I'm going to the Skills Center for Career Management. I have a learning disability. I plan to attend a two-year community college and then transfer to a four-year college. Business and fashion design interest me the most. I love to sew and design clothes. My pride and joy is my cat Fuzz, a shorthaired gray and white tabby.

Hello, my name is Scott. I will be attending my second quarter at Cascadia Community College this fall. The campus is shared with the UW Bothell in Bothell, Washington. I am interested in science and politics. I would like to work in theoretical physics. I enjoy attending Yu-Gi-Oh! tournaments in my spare time.

Hi, I am Leon. I go to Bellingham High School in Washington. I will be in the 11th grade this fall. I like to play on the computer, hang out with friends, read, and watch TV. My favorite subject in school is English. I'm interested in criminal psychology and working for the federal government.

Hi, my name is Alexandra and I have a visual impairment. I will be a senior at Kentwood High School in Covington, Washington. I will also be a student at Green River Community College through the Running Start program. My career interests lie in medical laboratory work and, if I'm still feeling ambitious after four long years, medical research.

Hi, my name is James. I graduated this year from Stanwood High School and will be attending Evergreen State College in the fall. I am going to live on campus. Right now, I am looking at a focus in political science and possibly studying pre-law.

Hi, my name is Jared. This past year has been exciting. I was operated on twice and got a new lead for my heart. The doctors placed it right inside the center of my heart. It has increased my oxygen levels. They came up from 67% to 81%. High school was busy. I used my DO-IT laptop to take a creative writing class from Brigham Young University. I will be attending Columbia Basin College this fall. I'm still interested in science the most.

Hi. My name is Andrew and I just graduated from Summit K-12 in Seattle. I plan to work in art. I will be attending the visual arts program at Cornish College of the Arts in Seattle starting in the fall. I took a graphic art class this summer and plan to study graphic arts there. I enjoy karate, swimming, snowboarding, and going places with my friends. I have a learning disability, but I am an excellent reader.

My name is Rima. I will be in the 12th grade this coming fall. I have Cerebral Palsy Spastic Diplegia. I love reading, watching movies, and playing on the computer, especially on the Internet. I am in Link Crew (Conk Crew), Honor Society, and the FBLA at school.

My name is Chris. This fall, I will be a senior at Cedarcrest High School in Duvall, Washington. I am presently the State Goodwill Ambassador for MDA and I like helping out with their fundraisers. I have one brother and one sister, Ben and Rachel. At the top of my college list is the University of Washington and I am looking into their engineering programs.

Hello, my name is Carson. I will be a senior next year at Capital High School in Olympia, Washington. I have a reading disability. I use Dragon Naturally Speaking™ and WYNN Wizard™ to help me get through school independently. I am interested in design/engineering. I have a cat named Muggles and I play the French Horn in musical groups in Olympia.

I'm Dale. I have Cerebral Palsy. I will be a senior at Kiona-Benton High School in Benton City, Washington. I am a football manager and also enjoy choir. I am currently a student at Columbia Basin College and am working on earning my third consecutive set of 4.0 grades. My favorite subject in school is law, and I hope to be a lawyer someday. DO-IT is helping me to experience what campus life at my college of choice (UW) is like and to continue to hone my academic skills.

Hi, my name is Ryan. I begin my first year at Bellevue Community College this fall. I hope to get a communications degree. I am participating in the Youth Leadership Forum in Olympia this August after DO-IT. I hope to someday be in human resources and be involved in some local job community activities.

Hi! My name is Angela. I am in the 12th grade at Meadowdale High School in Lynnwood, Washington. I live with my dad and have a mild case of Cerebral Palsy. I am interested in being a high school counselor and attending the University of Washington. I am very outgoing and make friends easily. DO-IT has been a great experience and very educational.