Budget Other Costs

Use this section of your worksheet to add non-personnel costs. This article describes the following:

Section Layout

Each cost added is a row in the table for this section. The last row is the Other Costs Total, which shows the calculated total for each period and the All Periods column.

The column headings for other costs are:

  • Spend Category
  • Description
  • Period description, with the Start and End dates
  • All Periods

The following image shows an example of this section.

other costs section

Adding Other Costs

To add a cost to your worksheet, click on the Add Other Cost drop-down menu to the right of the section name. The choices in the menu are the object codes and descriptions, in ascending order, followed by “Search all object codes”. The following image shows the expanded menu.

When you select an object code from the menu, a new row is added as the first row of the section. In the Spend Category field, a menu will display the sub-object codes and descriptions. Scroll down and select the appropriate choice.

When you select “Search all object codes” from the Add Other Cost menu, a list of all object codes with their sub-object codes and descriptions appears in the Spend Category field for the new row. To search the list, start typing in the Spend Category field, and the list will adjust to show items that match what you entered. Select your choice from the results list to populate the field.

Once you have added an entry, the Spend Category field will show just the object and sub-object codes to save space. Within the field is a light gray oval with 3 dark gray dots. Place your mouse over this to see the object code and sub-object code descriptions.

Use the Description field to enter an optional explanation for this cost. Note that a description may be needed if you are linking your budget to a Grant Runner eGC1 and using the RR Detailed Budget form.

As you add costs, each new one is added as the top row so that the column descriptions are always visible. A Sort by Spend Category link displays above the All Periods column. When active, clicking it will re-arrange the costs entries in order by object/sub-object code and description. The sort link will only be active when the list is not in order.

Note: When you enable APL in worksheet settings, a Prorated Direct Cost (PDC) entry will be added to the Other Costs section, with object/sub-object code 19-10. This entry is not editable.

Note: When you add an 03-62 Object/Sub-object code on either the Primary Worksheet or an Internal worksheet, an alert will display: Use 03-62 for proposal budgets only. Award budgets require subawards set up as a Subaward Worksheet. The following image shows this alert:

primary or internal worksheet 03-62 alert message

Cost Details

There are two ways of entering period values for a cost entry:

  • Type a dollar amount directly in the period field. This will default the Quantity to 1, the Unit Price to the amount entered, and the Inflation Rate to 0%.
  • Use the period details side panel that opens when you click in a period field, and enter values for the Quantity, Unit Price, and Inflation Rate.

Panel Details

The following image show the period details panel.

other costs period detail example

The top of the panel includes this information:

  • The period description
  • The period total dollar amount
  • Information text indicating the current cascading state (on or off)
  • The blue X, to the right of the period description, which will close the panel

The fields in the panel are:

  • Domestic / Foreign  – this choice only displays for Travel, and is editable
  • Quantity – the number of items, which must be greater than 0 if there is a Unit Price greater that $o. This field does not display for a (38) Unallocated entry.
  • Unit Price – a value greater than $0.
  • Inflation Rate – any value from 0% to 100%
  • Total – this is a calculated field, and is equal to the Quantity * Unit Price, adjusted for inflation

Note: for personnel with sub-object codes in the 30, 40, 50, or 90 range, the system will automatically add a tuition entry in the Other Costs section of your worksheet for the individual. See Linked Tuition Entries for full details.

Review Budget Calculation Formulas for details on worksheet calculations.


To the right of the All Periods column is a “more actions” menu. It includes the choice to turn cascading on or off for this specific entry. When turned on, any values changed or entered in a period will cascade to future periods.

Deleting Other Costs

To the right of the All Periods column is a “more actions” menu icon. The icon is 3 blue vertical dots. When you click on the icon, the menu displays.

When you select “Delete Other Cost” a confirmation dialog appears, stating “Are you sure you want to delete this cost? This action is permanent and cannot be reversed.” You can cancel or confirm the deletion of the cost entry.

Adding Entry Notes

There are choices for managing notes on the “more actions” menu, which vary depending on the whether a note exists:

  • Add Note – if none exists
  • Edit Note – if there is an existing note
  • Delete Note – if there is an existing note

When you select Add Note, a dialog will display with the cost’s user-entered description and its spend category. Use the text box for entering your note. Click Save to complete the process. You can also cancel out of the dialog, without saving a note. The following image shows the note dialog.

other costs add note dialog

When a note is added, a “page” icon will appear following the cost’s description. Place your mouse over the icon to read the note.

When a note exists, the “more actions” menu will include Edit Note and Delete Note. If you select Edit Note, the same dialog will appear. You can edit the current note, and then save the updated text. If you cancel, the original note remains.

If you select Delete Note, the note and note icon are removed.