Phase II Scholars

Sixteen Phase II Scholars began participating in DO-IT in 2021. Most completed their second Summer Study in July 2022. During their first year, they created lasting friendships, learned skills in technology and science, and shared fun moments with their peers and mentors. During their second session, they continued to develop self-determination and self- advocacy skills and prepare for college and careers. They worked closely with professionals and university faculty in STEM fields and learned in depth about video production. They continue to grow in their use of technology, complete projects in exciting fields, and they continue to connect with each other, DO-IT participants, and DO-IT Mentors throughout the year. After completing Summer Study 2022, these participants graduated to Phase III. Those that graduated from high school are now Ambassadors.

Hi! My name is Abby. I attend North Creek High School in Bothell where I will be finishing my last year of high school. My favorite subjects in school are English and theatre. I have been playing piano for almost five years, and I’m planning on learning the guitar to try and expand my instrumental prowess. I hope to help others by going into the psychology field. I have vision and learning disabilities.

My name is Alex. I enjoy my classes in theater and humanities, and I hope to explore these fields in college. I have autism, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, and anxiety.

Hello, my name is Alexander, but I prefer to be called Alex. I used to attend the Pacific Learning Center and Running Start. My favorite academic subjects are math, science, and history. I hope to pursue the field of astronautical engineering to hopefully work for NASA. I have autism and anxiety. I really enjoy playing video games on my computer; my favorites genres are strategy and sandbox games in particular. Some of the games I like the most are Europa Universalis 4, Half-Life 2, and Terraria.

Hi! My name is Ashlee, and I attend Bothell High School, where I enjoy my math and science classes. I hope to major in early childhood education and early special education. My hobbies are listening to music and cooking. I have anxiety.

My name is Avery. My favorite academic areas are English and art, though I’m also exploring interests in engineering, life sciences, veterinary medicine, and architecture. I have attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, anxiety, and a social communication disorder.

Hey, my name is Bella. I live in Washougal and attend the Washington State School for the Blind. This past year I did multiple job shadows, which solidified my plan to work with animals after I graduate.

Hello. My name is Ben, and I attend Ballard High School. My favorite academic fields are history and archaeology. I plan to enter a college program that will help me experience other cultures and times in history, both by reading and hearing about them and being able to explore them myself. I make music using an app called Incredibox, and I enjoy playing a variety of games, such as Banished, a game where you can build a colonial-esque town from the ground up, and Dungeons and Dragons through a local group known as Games to Grow. I love music and am in both my school’s concert and marching bands, where I feel a real feeling of community. I also have autism and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Hi all! I’m Deliah, and I’m a freshman at Central Washington University and graduate of Ellensburg High School. My favorite classes are those in the areas of art, drama, and theater. I hope to become a voice actor and produce my own cartoon show.

Hi, my name is Jaida. I attend Lower Columbia College and participate in cross country at Kelso High School. I won state for cross country in the ambulatory division (a division in cross country for kids with disabilities). My favorite subjects are history and political science. I plan on pursuing a master’s or doctorate in political science and then getting a career in public service advocating for people with disabilities.

Hello, my name is Jesper. I attend Yellow Wood Academy where I enjoy my classes in English and anatomy and physiology. My goal is to become an occupational therapist that specializes in assistive technology. I have cerebral palsy and vision disabilities. I enjoy running and competing in triathlons.

Hello, my name is Jocelyn, and I go to Cashmere High School where I enjoy classes in art and English. I hope to get a degree in social work to work with a diverse group of people and help children. I have learning disabilities.

My name is Kevin, and I attend Newport High School. My favorite academics are math, computer science, coding, history, and choir. My favorite hobbies are building LEGOs, playing video games, and watching movies. My dream job is to work for the Microsoft Xbox team or Microsoft coding team. I have Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
My name is P.J. and I live in Seattle. I have NF1, autism, and a hearing impairment. Math and science are my favorite academic areas. I hope to get a degree in architecture or industrial design. My dream job is to work for LEGO as a model designer.

Hi! I’m Rohit. I graduated from Tesla STEM High School and now attend Seattle University. I enjoy computer science and math. I would like to study computer science to work in the technology industry. I have autism spectrum disorder. My hobbies are computers, cars, and 3-D printing.

Hi, my name is Sammy, and I have dyspraxia. I currently attend Bellevue College through the Career Education Options program. I plan on getting a career helping disabled students who have challenges in school. I enjoy studying natural science and history. My hobbies are zentangle art (which are drawings created by patterns) and hanging out with my family.

Salutations! My name is Sarafina. I attend Anacortes High School, where I enjoy studying chemistry. After I graduate from high school, I would like to attend a small or medium college in Los Angeles or Ventura Counties. I am interested in studying music, linguistics, English, and education during college. I usually feel ecstatic when I receive an opportunity to venture out into the world, talk to lots of people, and be at the center of attention, which are all things that I can easily do in Los Angeles, my favorite place in the world. Moreover, I also feel like Los Angeles is the easiest place for me to live my dream of becoming a famous singer under the name of Venturyna. I have a lot of hobbies related to music, including learning music theory, singing, attending choir-related events, dancing, and playing the piano. I have autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), anxiety, scoliosis, and other dysphoric conditions.

Hi everyone, my name is Sophia. I graduated from Newport High School and an now a freshman at the University of Washington, where I plan to study computer science, focusing on data science and accessibility. Since I have moderate hearing loss, I am passionate about developing wearable technology for people with disabilities, and hope to improve the user experience for people who wear hearing aids. My hobbies include acting out movie scenes, running, and constructing arts and crafts.

Hi everyone! My name is Theorius, my pronouns are thee/thim/thers, and I attend the Washington State School for the Blind. My favorite school subjects are theatre and English. Some of my hobbies are reading, writing, music, and Dungeons and Dragons. After high school, I plan on attending Western Washington University to get an English degree with a focus in creative writing. My long-term plans include becoming a professor and an author. I am autistic and have retinitis pigmentosa.

Hello, I’m Warren and I go to TAF@Saghalie, where I enjoy classes in math and art. I plan on getting a bachelor’s or master’s degree and then go on to become a graphic novelist. My hobbies are drawing, playing video games, watching movies, and spending time with family.