DO-IT Scholars Featured in Upcoming Closing the Gap Article

In my last article (One Stop Shopping to Find Out If Your Vulnerable Applications are Up-To-Date), I talked about the importance of having people with disabilities both in front of the camera and in the writers' room.
Volume 22, Number 3
Below are the articles of the DO-IT News June 2014 newsletter. These articles can also be seen all on one page at the Full Newsletter option.
Volume 2, Number 3
Below are the articles of the DO-IT News September 1994 newsletter. These articles can also be seen all on one page at the Full Newsletter option.
During the summer camp the students attended a class on problem solving given by Swapna Mukhopadhyay and Bob Sassanoff. The students learned mainly about the basics of problem solving and basic geometry.
The geometry section was particularly informative. It taught the students the basics of geometry. The students learned about some of the basic geometric shapes, and how to measure their area.
The problem we were assigned in the mechanical engineering class seemed quite simple. Using two yardsticks and five weights, we were supposed to determine the weight of each of the weights, and then we needed to attach one of the yard sticks to the table like a diving board and measure how far the end was from the floor each time we hung one of the weights from it. However, there were two catches. We had to change the inches in the distance measurement to centimeters and we had to calculate the weight of each of the weights because these figures were not provided.
Need heart surgery? Just ask any of the DO-IT kids. We can do it for you and at a low cost! That's right, all the DO-IT kids did heart surgery on sheep hearts. Laurie Clark, the speaker of the session, taught us how to do two types of surgeries, a bypass surgery and a valve replacement surgery.
The bypass surgery is the most common heart surgery done. If the arteries that supply the heart with blood become blocked with "plaque" (which is mostly cholesterol), then a heart attack can occur. So in order to keep that from happening, a bypass surgery can be done.
Are you living in an earthquake zone? Recent studies show a shadow fault line that runs through the most populated areas of Seattle and Bellevue. The fault line is called the Seattle Fault.