Straight from the Astronaut's Mouth

Toward the end of our stay at the University, the DO-IT participants attended a presentation made by former astronaut and current UW professor "Pinky" Nelson on astronomy and what it was like to be an astronaut. The presentation was tremendous; he did an excellent job of making you feel like you were sitting on the seat next to him in the space shuttle as it soared into the heavens pulling five g's.

Computers and the Internet Facilitate Newswriting

The DO-IT kids use their computers for many projects, but they stepped into the future of newswriting as they depended on their machines to gather data and write news articles for the DO-IT newsletter.

Upon arrival at the DO-IT Summer Program, each student was assigned a beat, or an area of focus, on which to write a story. Participants were given some background on the different newswriting styles and they practiced a short interview. With the basics under their belts, they were free to write an editorial column, a news article or a feature story.

How Can You DO-IT?

  • Sign up to receive DO-IT News if this newsletter was not mailed directly to you.
  • Volunteer as a Mentor or to help with one of our Summer Study programs.
  • Pass this newsletter on to someone you know who can benefit from our programs.

The Browser: Our Calendar of Events

World Congress and Exposition on Disabilities
September 28-30, 2001
Atlanta, GA
Conference brings together opinion leaders in science, medicine, technology, product development, and care giving.

The Second International Conference for Parents with Disabilities and Their Families
October 11-14, 2001
Oakland, CA
Hosted by Through the Looking Glass-the National Resource for Parents of Children with Disabilities
510-848-1112 ext.110

Tech Tips: Hoax or Virus?

Email-based viruses have been big news lately. The propagation of these nefarious organisms has been well covered in mainstream media. Most big name viruses spread through activation of scripts in Outlook™ and Outlook Express™ — e-mail programs made by Microsoft. Many cause little damage to individual computers, but, because they reproduce quickly by sending mail to all addresses in the victim's address book, they can cause networks to overload to the point of being shut down. Others can be quite destructive - not only spreading quickly but deleting files as well.
